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We swing one more time before Levi wraps an arm around my back as we gently land in front of the Survey Corps headquarters. Before I can untangle myself from him, my captain begins walking towards our rooms, carrying me up the stairs while I lazily lay against his chest. I can barely keep my eyes open and his heartbeat is a soft lullaby soothing me to sleep against my will.

"Tch, you really are a child." Levi's chest slightly vibrates. I can barely comprehend his words towards me and attempt a response while mumbling back. "Levi, you are a comfortable pillow." I foolishly admit. My arms slowly lose their grip around his neck and I rest my left arm against his chest while my right one dangles carelessly over his shoulder.

Even in the midst of my tired state, I can hear footsteps approaching from around the corner and I quickly push myself away from Levi's torso. With the sudden movement, Levi stops walking and I use the momentum to fall into a back handspring, landing on my feet in front of him. Confusion paints over his astounding features but I walk up next to him while giving a slight push as to tell him to keep walking with me.

When we make it to the intersection, a ginger lady is taken aback to see the two of us awake so late in the morning together. She's not wearing nightwear and is holding a porcelain teacup in her right hand. Interesting, I think to myself.

"Captain Levi! What're you doing up so late?" She perplexedly looks at the man next to me, completely ignoring my presence.

"Petra. Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" Levi dodges her question.

"I-I wasn't able to, so I thought I'd come bring you some tea to help with your paperwork." She stumbles through her words and holds out the teacup in her hand towards him.

"I see. Thank you, Petra. Although, there's no need to worry about me during the evening—head back to your room and try to sleep. You are aware that we have an important expedition coming up." He dismisses her.

I awkwardly stand on the side as they talk within their own little bubble. I don't lose face and don't show any discomfort, and instead I find that my body language is expressing an emotion of its own: annoyance. Petra nods her head and walks past my side without any acknowledgement. I cock an eyebrow and turn to see her walk off, but I am too tired to care for any sort of respect or attention; if anything, I was glad that I didn't have to speak.

"Petra, don't make me remind you next time—it's rude to ignore your superior." Levi coldly states over his shoulder.

Petra stops in her tracks and whips back to face us before bowing and giving her condolences, wishing the both of us a good night. The exchange was so fast that before I realise it, she's gone from our vision, leaving us alone in the torch lit hallway. I turn back and notice that Levi hasn't taken a sip from the tea Petra gave him, and instead is holding it at his waist.

"Aren't you going to drink that?" I inquire.

"No. Petra always makes the tea too watery and it's absolutely disgusting to drink." He honestly remarks.

A light giggle escapes me and I shake my head before walking back to our rooms. It isn't long until we part ways and head to bed to prepare for the events that were taking place the next morning. I take off my cape and strip myself of a second layer, placing it on my chair.

Wait, the second layer?

I take a look at the two capes in front of me, realising that I still have Levi's since I forgot to give it back to him once we were back in the hallway. I shake my head at the memory and internally groan—why am I such a kid? I don't linger on my self-pity and take the cape I first took off with me and approach Levi's door, giving a tiny little knock.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now