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I pull the drawer open and lying inside was a small box with a card underneath it. My curiosity spikes and I quickly grab the items and place them on my desk before picking up the card. My name is neatly printed on the front in black ink with a design underlining my name. I flip the card over to find a wax seal in the shape of a fox. I run my finger over the rose-coloured seal and my chest fills with happiness and a feeling of gratitude.

My thoughts go wild—who would be giving me a card, and who would know that I'd notice the slight change in my drawer? These were small quirks that not many knew of, and they would have had to seen me working.

The person who addressed this card to me must know quite a bit about me, and the writing looks familiar. I have an inkling of who I think has written this letter to me and I get excited for a little bit before catching myself. What is there to be excited about? Absolutely nothing. For all I know, this could be something to do with work.

But the fox. Foxes were my favourite animal. They're swift, cunning, unapologetic, and crafty—at least that's what the illegal book I've read said. No one here has seen a fox, but the drawings of them were so beautiful to stare at. Their traits resonated within me and I wanted to master all of them to achieve humanity's goal—taking rightfully inherited land back.

Why would they choose a fox?

I carefully tear the card open in attempt to keep the seal intact and successfully do so before pulling out the letter.

The suspense cuts through my questions so I open the folded letter.


If you've found this letter, it must mean that your hawk eye hasn't changed a single bit, making it the best place to place this note. I hope you've taken the day slow, but knowing you, you've probably gone and signed up for something that will only stress yourself out more. Though, that is expected from Humanity's Tempest.

Don't be an idiot and get yourself into a situation similar to the one of the last expeditions. I find these to be helpful in situations you need to get out of—it really gives you an edge in escaping those bastards.



I bring my attention to the gift sitting on my desk and I finally decide to plop down on my chair to open it. The floor lets out a squeak as I drag the wooden chair across it to get closer to the black box. For some reason, my body tenses when I pick it up. What is Levi thinking? I bring the candle on my desk closer to me to provide me with more vision and look down at it again.

I scoff, get over myself, and finally bring the container towards me and untie the bow which sat neatly on top of the lid. Removing the ribbon, I take a breath in before finally opening it.

Inside lay silver, snowflake shaped items with a little hole in the centre. After closer inspection, they seemed to be blades, but what kind of blades? I had never seen anything quite like these. I pick one up and begin poking the edges and find them to be surprisingly sharp despite their dull appearance. One by one, I take the blades out and find that there are eight within the box. Seeing them lay across my desk, I think about the different uses these weapons have.

A knock on the door takes me out of my thoughts and I quickly scramble to place the blades back into the box before I call out.

"Name and circumstance?"

Shoving the last one in, I close the box and carefully place it back into the same drawer it came from before grabbing the letter and the card.

"I have good news, Kaisa!" A voice calls out from behind my door.

I slide the letter into its envelope carefully before placing it inside the same drawer and closing it. I take a little breath, recognising the voice and repress my slight irritation.

"Come in, Hanji." I respond.

"You would not believe it, Kaisa! I have it all figured out. We finally caught two more titans and I've decided that we're going to name them Beanne and Sawney!" Her eyes gleam with happiness.

Her energy seeps into me and even though I don't really care about her crazy experiments, I smile in support.

"Oh yeah? What made you want to name them that?" I ask while standing up.

Hanji stares at me for a second in silence before her smile stretches across her face even larger than before.

Was that even possible?

"You're the first one to ask me that! Oh, Kaisa, I'm so glad that I have you." She squeals.

I laugh and walk towards my door, Hanji following me explaining her wild antics. She spills all of the information she's gathered so far, and I give her a slight push outside my room before I close the door behind us. I can feel the headache beginning to form from her continuous blabbering, but I suck it up knowing that even Hanji needs a little time to relax and enjoy things.

The door across from mine opens and I pay little attention to it as I nod my head, pretending to follow Hanji's discoveries. I turn towards it and see that I'm staring at someone who is the same height as me.

"Hi guys! I could hear you two from inside the room." Petra giggles.

Confusion must have spread across my face before I could mask it because Petra points it out.

"Is everything okay, Kaisa?" She tilts her head slightly.

"Yeah, I was just trying to decipher what the hell Hanji was talking about." I force a laugh while fake punching Hanji a bit too hard.

"Ow! Did you have to hit me so hard?" Hanji pouts.

"If you're going to hit them, might as well hit them hard." I joke.

They both laugh before Hanji stops.

"Wait, you didn't intend for that to hurt, did you?" She sulks while rubbing her arm.

I shrug my shoulders and begin my journey towards the mess hall.

"Trust me, if I wanted to make it hurt, you'd know without a doubt." I turn over and give the two girls a smirk.

"Come on, it's time for dinner! I'm starving, aren't you?" I say as I wave my hand for them to follow me down the hall.

"We won't have enough time to talk about my experiments if that's all the time we have!" Hanji complains as she and Petra run up behind me.

I throw my hands behind my head, carefree.

"You'd better make it quick then!"


hi hey hello! 

i wanted to provide a visual of the gift without spoiling it at first, so here's what it looks like:

i wanted to provide a visual of the gift without spoiling it at first, so here's what it looks like:

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it's a shuriken! 

hope you enjoyed this chapter! plot heavy stuff is coming up soon. i just wanted to develop their friendship more is all :)

much love and take care,


Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now