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"Eren! We have to go!" I scream at the young soldier while swinging back to grab his superior.

"But...But we can't leave Gunther here like this!" He screams as I grab a hold of his waist.

"We'll come back for him, I promise you! But right now, remember that everyone's job here is making sure that you get back safe." I remind him, swinging backwards in attempt to put distance between us and the traitor in uniform.

I no longer hold myself back and decide to show everyone here why I've been given the name of Humanity's Tempest. In a flash, Eren and I have passed the entire squad who was at least 500 meters from where we were with Gunther. I spin us in the air to garner speed, bringing us further from the danger at hand. I immediately twist our bodies into a vertical position which stops us immediately while landing a hook onto another tree, pulling us towards it. We land with ease and I place both hands onto Eren shoulders, looking him straight in the eye.

"Listen to me, Eren. You are the most important person here, even if you're not sure what to do, you need to make it out of here alive. If you don't, we're fucked." I shake him slightly trying to make my words resonate within him. He nods his head, but I can tell that he's not exactly on the same page as I am. I sigh internally, knowing full well that he'd probably do something irrational if the plan went off course.

Just then, the rest of the group catches up to us with the figure behind them still following. A thunderbolt booms through the earth, leading me to try to shield Eren with my short body as a strong gust of wind spreads throughout the forest with force. I peek out past the trunk only to find the air has been covered in smoke...or steam.

"Fuck, it's the female titan." I mumble. I give Eren a look and he reads my glance by jumping off the branch to escape the situation we're in.

While he runs off with the rest of the squad, I stay behind to gather intel on the abnormal running towards us. I have no worries that I'll escape—I'm confident in my agility. She runs with impeccable speed, yet somehow notices that I'm sitting in the branch as she runs past me, swinging an arm towards me with an aim to kill. The millisecond I see her body twist towards me, I leap off the branch, swinging myself up towards her neck for a kill. As I hang in the air, I quickly pull my blades out and get ready to spin to take the titan down only to find that she's raised a hand to cover her nape.

What kind of fuckery is this?

I stop my descent by flashing to the tree located in front of her on her right, not forgetting to slide my blade against the arm she used to cover her weak spot. The moment I land, I immediately move again, knowing that she's targeting my every location, wanting me dead. As I'm flowing through the air without any resistance, I think about the different possibilities this fight has.

Considering that she's a soldier from inside the walls, the probability of her knowing who I am is close to 100 percent. This means that she must know my fighting style which puts me at a weakness, meaning that I have to switch things up if I want to increase my survival rate. I begin to think three steps ahead of myself, granting me a clear vision of my route so that I can recover in case a mistake takes place.

Right, Twist, Land on Branch, then Bottom Left.

I change my movement patterns and move completely on the fly, rendering all of my choices unpredictable to the enemy. With adrenaline flowing within me, my heartbeat becomes the foundation of my jumps. I don't forget to swing back every now and then to punish the titan in order to keep it from reaching the others. Her fast pace would make it difficult for the average soldier to keep up.

But, I'm not average.

"Eren, do you trust us?!" I hear a scream from up ahead.

"Yes, I'll keep running." The response says.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now