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Another breeze grazed my cheeks while my legs dangled over the crumbling brick rooftop five stories above the multitude of cramped houses below. The moon had its midnight glow and provided a tint of a blue hue which lit up the vacant market stalls. I didn't mind the desolate aura of this city, if anything, I embraced it. People talk too much, take too much, and indulge themselves in unhealthy practices just to keep their necks above the water.

I don't like that.

Although, I can't deny the simple fact that human nature is selfish. One's needs always come before another's with little regard or care to what the victim experiences. But, even still, I was one of those people.

A crack bounces off the walls below me causing me to turn my head at the commotion below me only to find another group preying on a boy who seemed to be a little too young to be strolling around on the streets.

The bricks crumble beneath my movement as a I swing over the ledge, landing on the solid rock of the building.

It's not my problem to get involved anyway.

This rooftop is special. Its height allows me to oversee everything below me which is a great advantage for someone like me.

I'll admit it, I'm a thief.

It's not like I wanted to become this way, but life makes no exceptions and only the strong-willed get to survive in a place like this—a place where those things live. It wasn't like me to really get involved with any of the myths or rumours spreading around Shiganshina, but frankly, I didn't care much for my hometown. Or, this town, I should say.

I take another step towards the emergency exit ladder on the other side only to hear another cry from behind me. My eyebrows furrowed in irritation. When will people learn to shut up in the midst of the night? I quickly jog back and lean over the ledge and listen carefully to the dialogue spitting below me. There were four boys. Two had blonde hair while the other two had brown hair, all of them sporting a short cut. One was considerably larger and the other three seemed to be a bit on the chubbier side. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I hate rich kids.

"Blonde hair and blue eye kid got your panties in a twist, huh? Not so tough now are you little guy." A low voiced boomed

"I don't know why you're so obsessed with him. He did nothing wrong so give his bread back! Those were rations for three days!" Another voice retaliated.

I can't help but raise an eyebrow. Since when did little punks like him start standing up for justice?

I take a few steps back before launching myself onto the ledge, feeling the little pebbles digging into my skin before I propelled weight into the next building next to me. The yelling stops for a second.

"Did you hear that?" One questioned.

"I could have sworn I heard something behind us-"

"You two are idiots. I say we just give this kid a good beating and then head back, we don't want the military police to find us in a situation like this again." interrupted the low voice.

I peer over the new building's ledge and see the u-shaped group facing the kid once again. I look around. This building is shorter than the last but it's not short enough for me to just jump right down. The building across from me catches my eye; it's made from bamboo.

"Jackpot" I mumble to myself. My right hand finds its way into my left, inner jacket pocket to retrieve a knife before sharpening it on the brick slabs in front of me. I say a quick prayer to the deaf ears above while taking more steps back and run towards the ledge. My left hand makes contact with the slab below me before I jump and push myself towards the bamboo house in front of me. I swing my right hand down pressing the knife into the bamboo as I hear the sticks give way to my weight as I slide down with ease. I keep contact with the group below me as I kick off the building, landing in a roll only to prop back up on my feet again next the group of annoying kids.

"Oi, oi. Isn't it a little late for you punks to be walking the streets right now?" I call out to them.

The group shares a look before returning their gaze to me just before they bend over clutching their stomachs bursting out in laughter.

"How cute! This little princess decided she's going to make up her own fairy-tale by saving the boy" One snickered.

"I think she's delusional!" Another agreed.

Apart a meter from them stood the boy staring at me with what seemed to be teal eyes peering into my soul asking me for something. Maybe it was the confusion that somebody would be out this late at night, or maybe they were questioning why I would bother to get involved. I didn't let my expression give him an answer.

"You might wanna shove your words back into your disgusting mouths before I shove something else into there." I sneered at the little gang.

Their laughs slowly dwindled off as I began walking towards the singled out, brown hair boy in front of me before looking down. "Are these boys bothering you?"

His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head aggressively "I don't need your help. I was doing fine on my own" he stated. Rocks crumble behind me and I twist my body, extending my leg in front to drop the kid rushing his assault against me from behind. His body slams against the ground and he lets out a gush of air which were just expelled from his lungs. I step on the teen's chest holding them beneath me and glare up at the rest of the boys in front of me.

"Any one of you wanna see what happens next? Try me." I coldly state while brushing off the gravel found on my black jeans. I sighed in annoyance—I only just stole these two days ago. The kid below me wheezes as I push more of my body weight into him. 

"Where are the rations? Bring them immediately or I'll make sure you'll end up like fuckface over here. It's not like you sacks of potato's need anymore weight dripping from your loose titties." I smirked.

Jar Jar Binks' unfortunate offspring tosses a string bag toward me and I grab it before holding it out for the boy behind me to grab. I kick the guy out underneath me, rolling him towards his squad of repulsive dumbasses.

I turn my back towards the group and lazily lift my hand up waving it, dismissing them while shifting my head to the side to see them from my peripherals. "Don't fuck with essentials like food. If you want shit like hats or a basket, fine, but don't take shit like food otherwise I'm gonna have to feed you to each other. It's not like your fat-asses would even care about what you stuff in your mouth anyway."

I hear multiple footsteps take off and I drop my arm and look down at the boy in front of me. "Sorry you had to go through that. You're a good one, don't let guys like that get in your way. Today you were weak, but tomorrow you'll be stronger" I state. His teal eyes peer back into mine before clutching the bag closer to his chest. His head drops while his hands digs further into the fabric.

"I promise I'll get stronger. I don't know who you are, but I'll be strong enough to fight for myself." He claims.

A soft smile graces my face and I put a hand on his shoulder making his head snap back up at me.

"Use your brain. It's the only way you'll learn how to survive in a place like this" I warn.

I turn around on the heels of my feet and wave him goodbye without looking back hearing him call out to me after I've made my way down the street.

"Wait! What's your name?"

I stop in my tracks and look back up the moon.

"I wouldn't tell you even if I knew."


Hi everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank those of you who've given this little book a chance and read through the first chapter! I've been inspired to write an OC x Levi book for a while and decided I might as well shoot my shot amirite 😉

If you did enjoy this, please do let me know through a comment or a vote as I'll prioritize updates if I know people are waiting to hear from me 😊

I'll try to update once a week, but because I'm so in love with this current storyline I have made up, it'll probably be more.

Much love and take care,


**edit: I'm currently updating everyday, sometimes posting 2 chapters at a time!

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