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I awake in the middle of the night, once again delighted, noticing Levi's still resting despite my movement. He's now laying on his back, left arm around my shoulder while his right-hand rests across his torso lazily. My head must've been on the side of his chest since it actually is a bit sore from the awkward position for hours.

But I'm parched.

I need to drink something before my throat disintegrates into the universe from being so dry.

Carefully, I untangle myself from Levi's hold. My stomach doesn't hurt nearly as bad anymore, which is a great sign considering it felt like knives were being twisted inside my guts yesterday. Just as I'm about to leave the bed, Levi's hand snaps onto my wrist with eyes closed.

His tone is slightly hoarse, deep, and filled with curiosity, "Where are you going?"

My own voice is light, yet dry in its response, "Thirsty. I need water."

Levi stirs on his side, propping up on his left forearm while tucking me in bed, "I'll get it."

Placing a hand on his chest, I softly push him down, "No, no, it's okay, I got it."

"Then let me come with you." He pleads, rubbing his eyes.

I clear my throat quietly to stop it from cracking, "Levi, you need to rest. When was the last time you slept?"

"I've slept enough-"

I cut him off, "No you've haven't. You're going to stay here in bed, and I'm going to get my water. Alone."

Levi rasps, "When did I start taking orders from you?"

I smirk, "You can call all the shots you want on the field." I lean closer to his ear, "But I'm the one with the pants here."

Pulling back, I sit up, pushing a finger into his forehead, "And you're staying here in the warmth of this bed while I get some water."

He slumps against the pillow, watching me quietly shuffle across the wooden floor as I grab both cups from the desk and leave the room, shutting the door quietly behind me. Heading to the kitchen in the Mess Hall isn't as difficult as I initially thought it would. Nothing is sore, not even the cuts on my arm. I forgot to check the time I left, but based on the sunrise, it's probably around five in the morning. I doubt Levi's gone to sleep again, so I boil some water for his tea as well.

My thirst is quenched after downing goodness knows how many glasses of water, and soon after, the kettle's done. Steeping the black tea, I set a timer for three minutes and forty-eight seconds. Levi and I both preferred a black tea in the morning—it's a strong tea, helping with drowsiness in the morning. I move back and forth on my heels, lightly tapping on the counter in occupying myself.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist and both my hands latch onto the person's wrists until I feel hair brush against my cheeks. Catching the flash of black, I relax into the hold I scold the individual quietly.

"Levi, you were supposed to stay in bed."

He softly whines, burying his head into the crook of my neck, "I didn't want to be alone." He foolishly admits.

My heart swells, unable to hold a grudge against him, "Well, you don't need to be alone. I have some tea steeping for the both of us."


"Yes, love." The affectionate word leaves my lips before I can catch it.

Levi's body stiffens against mine. I close my eyes, berating myself for moving too quickly.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now