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I grunt while pushing my entire body weight into the last blood vessel I cut, releasing myself from her resisting tissue. Her blood spews out like a fountain as the liquid is thrown off my blades once I slow my momentum before shooting out another hook to the wall to catch my fall. Now hanging from my hook, I lower myself to the ground as the female titan's blood evaporates from my being. I rush over in Eren's direction to see him faltering when retrieving the girl from the titan's neck. I see Mikasa nearby, but it seems like my assumption was correct—Eren doesn't have the guts to do it.

Something odd is happening though; it almost seems like they're struggling.

I collapse suddenly, completely eating shit once my face slams into the pavement. My stomach burns—I'm pretty sure my stitches are more fucked up than they've ever been, but that's not my concern right now. For the millionth time today, I get up from my hands and knees, slightly frustrated. I'm not usually so clumsy on my feet but I guess the multitude of injuries that my body sustained is really catching up with me now.

I shoot a hook into the female titan's head and press my gas to drag me towards the commotion.

She does well as a transportation device for me; maybe she is useful.

Just the moment I get to her, another roar is let out from one of them. The gust of wind is enough to send me flying and my feet are no longer on solid ground, but thankfully my hook keeps me from slamming against God knows what. Eventually, it comes to an end and my body drops to the ground. I immediately look up once I feel the pavement underneath me. I feel lightheaded, nauseous, and scared all at once.

What the fuck is happening in front of me?

The two titans seem to be...fusing?!

I rush to my feet and run towards the female titan and try to push her head against the ground as if I am actually contributing to the outcome of this situation. Realising this isn't working, I change my position so that I'm on the ground instead of on top of her, pulling back on her. I struggle against her morphing body but continue to tug on her hair in attempts to keep her still. I grit my teeth as I feel the heat from her exposed muscles against my front and continue to pull her down the best I can using all of my body weight while leaning back. I see Mikasa run to join me but I lock eyes with her and shake my head quickly, telling her to stay back.

Just like that, the female titan's hair is gone from my grip and I land on my ass once again. How many times am I going to fall on my ass today? I sit up and rub the back of my head, staying where I am once I see a crystalized figure where my enemy just lay. My mouth drops slightly and almost feel immobilized because of the shock filling my body, but the moment I see Levi on Eren's titan form pulling the young man out, I burst into action.

I scramble to my feet and get to them as quickly as I can, which unfortunately at this point, isn't very fast. I'm feeling the incredulous consequences of all of my high-and-mighty-ass actions. Levi was right, and I'm left to stumble my way there like a limp noodle; how disgraceful. I pull myself together and force myself to stand straight even though the tears are pricking at the corner of my eyes already. I keep my head high when I slow down and walk the rest of the distance towards Levi who is now holding Eren in his arms while still on the titan.

"Is he okay?" I ask once I arrive next to the decaying titan.

"Brat almost died because he froze." Levi clicks his tongue.

"Here, pass him over, I'll hold him while you get down so you don't hurt your ankle any more than you probably have." I hold my arms out for him to place Eren in, but he ignores my help by walking around the titan's legs with Eren's body. I watch him make his way down and pass by me, but not before he makes a snarky remark.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now