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"Levi, take them to the castle—you're the only one who knows where it is." Kaisa instructs while tossing what seems to be the flare gun she used to warn us ahead of time to Gunther.

"What do you plan on doing?" I ask, grabbing flare gear and strapping it onto my body as I follow her in the direction of the carriage. Her choice of words piques my interest; She knows where exactly where the building is. I assume that she wishes me to take my squad there since they'd cooperate better underneath my lead which is a good idea overall.

"They're too close. They're probably moving faster now that they can smell us and it's dangerous for too many people to be clumped together—it probably smells like a full course meal for those bastards." She rushes through her words while continuing to pack items into the carriage.

"Make sure you think." I remind her. It's the one main concept I ingrained into her head when she first started off as a cadet, although, I don't think she really needs the cue to remember in the first place. We're in a tight position and if Kaisa decides it would be best if she left, I wasn't in any place to stop her.

She gives me a wink while a smile spreads across her face before messing with a box, pulling out a flare before shoving it into the side of her gear.

"See you on the other side, Captain." She grins.

In a flash, Kaisa runs past me so I turn to see her off as she jumps into a front handspring before launching herself up between the trees in the direction of the titans. A small shadow drops from Kaisa's figure which captures my attention. It's probably nothing, but nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt to look.

"Captain Levi?" A voice calls out behind me. I finish clasping the last belt onto my gear before turning around seeing Petra waiting in front of me.

"Round up everyone and have them mount their horses. We're leaving now." I look into her green eyes.

She nods her head and rushes off to gather everyone back to the trail while I lightly jog down the trail Kaisa just ran down. Pulling a blade from its holster, I use the moonlight to act as some sort of light source to see the ground. It was the one helpful thing I picked up from Kaisa the other night. I don't even know what I'm looking for, but I dart my eyes across the gravel beneath my feet when I see a square just ahead of me. Leaning down, I pick up what seems to be a leather-bound book, but I don't bother to check any further. I don't have time to snoop at the moment.

I'm curious but also annoyed, knowing I've wasted time collecting something that Kaisa couldn't even keep on her body properly. I make my way to the horses and grab the last stallion who was waiting for their rider patiently and gently stroke her mane before guiding her to the road. Grace complies with my action, and I tie her to a tree next to the trail for Kaisa to grab once she made her way back.

By the time I get back to the main group, everyone is ready just as I instructed and to say that I'm pleased is an understatement. I pull myself over my horse and I signal the group behind me to follow with a wave of my hand, galloping off in the direction of the castle. I look over my shoulder to face Gunther and he follows my train of thought by lighting a torch, making it easier for me to navigate through the night.

My squad has my upmost respect, our ability to communicate without speaking is exactly what is needed in tense situations such as these. I turn my head over my other shoulder and see Eren's face is laced with fear which is quite amusing.

"Don't shit yourself, brat. We'll make it back in time before you get yourself dirty." I nonchalantly say before hearing snickers behind me and Eren's defenses to my comment. It's an attempt to lighten up the mood, but even I know that my job isn't to make sure everyone is having a fun or exciting time when we're at death's door. A silence falls upon us for about half an hour before Eren breaks the quiet air.

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