Authors Note (temporary)

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hi hey hello!

so, this a/n is going to be up temporarily until i get my stuff together and am consistently on my grind again; this is mostly for all of you who've made it this far/have been keeping up with my story. i'd post an announcement, but i know that some people don't follow me so this seems like the best way to do it.

first and foremost - no need to be scared mdudes! this story isn't going anywhere and i'll continue to update it as time goes on <3 so don't worry about me going awall LOL

secondly - the reason i'm writing this to you all is to ask for some patience with these updates. my uncle recently passed away from COVID-19 and my family (since we do be livin that immigrant life aylmao) don't live in the same country as our other family members. consequently, it's been rough on us since we're unable to travel because of the travel bans. 

it's been pretty rough since on top of that i have co-op applications through my university and also am taking two online classes--one of which i have an essay which is worth 60% due in like 3 days (send help pls).

overall, i felt like you guys deserved some sort of explanation for the slow updates, especially because i have such lovely readers who have commited their time to reading this novel. you know who you are, and i appreciate you so greatly for being here throughout this entire journey. 

have no fear, i'll still try my best to get 1 chapter a week out!

it's crazy to me to see how we've literally grown 4k reads in 2 weeks. that in itself is just incredible and im so thankful for all of you who are taking the time to read this in its entirety. 

i'll delete this author note once im back in the game so that the flow of the novel is kept haha, but otherwise, it'll stay here for now. 

also, pls know im not lookin for pity or anything. i hate that 'woe is me' shit and honestly it's not my vibe LOL. just wanted to explain the circumstances im in so that you guys are kept in the loop with me :))

please, please, stay safe and take care of yourself during these times. wear your mask, bring hand sanitzer, and be smart with who you choose to hang out with and where you hang out with them. the last thing i'd want is hearing any of you got sick because of this virus. 

enjoy your summer safely and take these precautions out of love and care for one another's safety! 

much love and take care,


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