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Everyone is looking at us with different expressions and trying to decipher them at the moment was too much brain power for me to handle. Levi carries me over to the head of the table and Eren is quick to grab another chair, placing it next to Levi's usual seat. I'm carefully placed on the seat and Levi let go of me slowly as if I would break once he let go.

I don't break. I'm not a piece of fragile glass.

"Oi, get those looks of your faces, it's pissing me off." I address the worrisome expressions in the room. They don't tear their gaze away from me, and instead seem to have more concern than before. I roll my eyes before glaring at Levi as to ask him for help in the current situation. He doesn't.

"Okay guys, seriously, I'm fine. I just straight up ate shit when I tripped myself and fell on the ground, it's not a big deal. But you know what is a big deal? The fact that I'm hungry as hell and no one has offered me food yet." I pout near the end.

Eld looks at me with a raised eyebrow before letting a smile flash across his face. "You really haven't changed even though you look like you've gone through hell and back." He shakes his head.

"Now, now, Eld. This is because I have gone through hell and back and am now a ghost haunting you for the rest of your life." I smirk at the tall blonde.

He rolls his eyes and stands up from the table to grab what I'm guessing is a plate of food—and trust me, he does not disappoint. It seems they planned this out before I even came downstairs...did they know that I was going to force myself down here? I can't say for sure, but I forget the thought once I see a basket filled with bread and a huge soup bowl being brought towards me.

"Glad I came back from hell and managed to get into heaven." I drool over the food.

"Tch, control yourself, Kaisa." Levi says as he pours a cup of tea for himself.

I ignore Levi's side comment and instead reach out to grab a loaf of bread when my stomach rudely interrupts me. A blush spreads across my face and I freeze with my arm out in front of me, inches from the food that I want so bad. I can't bring myself to look up at the others, in fact, I do the opposite. I drop my head in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry..." I squeak.

The room is silent, but not for long since everyone with the exception of Levi bursts out in laughter at my uncomfortable nature. I finally grab the bread and hesitantly bring it up to my lips before taking a small bite, trying to regain my composure and compensate for the awkward sound my stomach decided to make.

Hanji is the first to speak through her laughs. "That...That was the best thing-" She takes a deep breath before laughing again. "That was the best thing I've ever seen happen to Kaisa!" She bursts in a fit of giggles again. I look up at the chaos in front of me.

"I've never seen her be so awkward before!" Gunther reaches up to wipe an imaginary tear. Eren bends over the table and lightly slaps it in agreement, howling at my current state.

I tear off a piece of bread and throw it at Hanji to stop her incredibly high pitched cackle before turning my attention to Eren who was now leaning back in his chair, clutching his stomach in bliss. Behind him is Levi who seems to be approaching the young cadet. Eren's laugh is muffled when Levi shoves another piece of bread into it, causing him to choke a little. The room quiets down slightly, but people are still snickering when Levi speaks.

"You're being too loud, you brat." He mumbles.

"Eat up. We've got a long day tomorrow." Levi says before walking towards me.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now