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"If you hear your name called, you'll be assigned to Kaisa's squad." Erwin says giving a nod to the person next to him who held a clipboard of all the names and their leaders.

I look over to the cadets and step forward while giving a welcoming smile, waving my hand for my new baby cadets I'd be receiving. I had no idea which one of them would be given to me, but I was hopeful I'd be paired up with a competent group who would be a pleasure to work with. A bunch of eyes quickly turned to me and new nerves filled me up with excitement.

"Alright, so we have Mina, Kiyoko, Tsukishima, and Kageyama. Please follow Kaisa towards the fighting grounds where she'll inform you of a standard team set up in preparation for your possible titan encounters." Clipboard boy said. I never really knew people who were involved with the military police, and frankly, I don't care either. They made my life a living hell prior to my arrival in Trost, so I did my best to avoid them.

"Let's go!" I cheer.

I lead my team down the rest of the wall, passing the rest of the cadets on my way and I feel someone's gaze burning straight into my face. I look up to find a pair of teal eyes staring back into my soft green ones and for a second I recognize them. I passed the soldier and ponder in my own thoughts until I realised that we had arrived at the fighting grounds. Time to make an impression, I thought to myself. I whip myself back around at the teens in front of me and analyzed their body language as soon as I caught glimpse of them.

Two boys and two girls. The two boys looked nervous with their hands in front of them fidgeting with nothing while the girls presented a different expression. One of them looked eager to learn with her hands rested on either side of her in a fist while the other was looking off to God knows where with her arms crossed. Interesting. This might be a little more work than I initially thought.

"Hello, again." I greet.

I capture their attention as we head over to a table designated for us to discuss our upcoming expedition, giving a little bounce with each step I take as I do so. All four cadets take a seat on the bench as I pull out a map of the landscape we'd be exploring that day and place the parchment on the table. I stand back and give a small smile while crossing my arms, "So, first thing's first. I wanna know why you bothered to show up today."

They stared back at me before Mina let out a scoff.

"Tsk, aren't you just supposed to tell us the plan so we can get out there and not die?"

I raised my eyebrow and lean over to drop my hands on the table, feeling it shake beneath the weight I exerted on it.

"Listen here princess, I'm nice to you because I choose to be. My name isn't 'you', it's Captain Kaisa. Be grateful for what you're given because I am not going to tolerate that type of behaviour in my squad group." I coldly respond. The rest of the group looks at me with fear swimming in their eyes and I notice they've leaned backwards to give me space.

She looks over to me unbothered and leans into her hand, resting on her elbow on the table. "Oh no, I'm so scared. What could a 5'2 girl do to me if I ever dare disobey, I'm quaking in my boots as we speak right now." She taunts. The other three around her are shooting darts into her head as if to tell her to shut up and they're most definitely in their place to do that.

Kiyoko's face scrunches up at her comrade.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to? You're literally in the squad of Humanity's Tempest, the only suitable counterpart to Humanity's Strongest who was trained by him! Have you no respect?!" She yells.

Mina rolls her eyes, and waves off her comrade.

"You're saying that like it's something to be proud of. So what? She's fast. That's about it." She yawns.

"Dismissed." I state as I push back on the table to stand up straight.

Mina looks at me with wide eyes in shock.

"What?! But I just got here I wanted to get on the field and-"

I interrupt her. "Clearly you didn't get the memo. I do not tolerate this behaviour." I say as I turn to search the other squads for a pair of steel eyes.

"You should prepare to grab your belongings; it won't be long till you'll sit in your dorm" I casually say, finding the person I was searching for.

Levi looks at me with his natural resting expression from a couple of tables down and I return the same cold appearance. It's almost unnoticeable, but his left eyebrow slightly raises. After staring at his face for years, all his expressions were clear as day for me and I knew that the cadets would follow my gaze which is exactly what I needed. I needed someone who wouldn't look at me with confusion, rather, a face which was terrifying to those who didn't know any better. With the idea that I could dismiss them at any time with the support of my comrades, I set the narrative straight.

I am in charge.

I turn back to my cadet group and cross my arms again before they turn their attention back to me.

"Is...Is Le-Captain Levi going to be the one who's going to t-take me?" Mina stumbled through her words.

I look down at her and lean down. "No. You're not going anywhere but get it through your thick skull that I could get rid of you if I wanted." I respond.

"If anyone of you dares to act up again, I'll make sure to send you further than the dorms." I warn.

"You were assigned to my squad for a reason. My best guess is that you lot aren't the best on your gear which makes me your perfect leader for this expedition." I say looking down at the map. I point my finger at the gate where we're located before drawing a line to the outskirts which once was a city were people lived.

"We're going to see how bad the wreckage in this city is and evaluate whether it's possible to reinforce it with further weapons. Currently, the possibility seems unlikely, however, we're grasping at strings in order to keep Wall Rose safe along with those inside it. The plan is as follows: we're going to have three wings named left, centre, and right." I drag my finger across towards the right side of the map.

"We'll be positioned on the right wing with Captain Dita Ness' squad who will be positioned on the right of us, so we'll be in the inner portion closest to the centre wing. The centre wing will be comprised of Captain Levi's team, so remember those people who are going to be working around you in case you need to make a quick escape if things get too dangerous. The left-wing groups will most likely not engage with us, so focus your connections with these two wings."

I take a break from my explanation and check to see if they're following me, and all of their faces show focus and determination which brings me a relief.

"There are plenty of different smoke signals to look out for, however, there are only five that you need to look out for: green, red, black, yellow, and blue. The green flare represents a change in the formation in the direction it'll proceed in which are usually triggered by both the red and black flare. The red and black flares are similar. The red flare lets other soldiers know that a titan has been spotted in a certain area while a black flare means that the titan observed is an abnormal. The yellow and blue flares are complete polar opposites. The yellow flare represents a victory, or in this case, the expedition is considered to be successful while the blue flare admits defeat in which all soldiers are required to fall back to the base. Is that clear?" I finish.

They all nod their heads back at me and I give a small smile down at my group.

"Great! Let's begin assigning positions in the likely case we come across some titans."


hi hey hello!

the picture above is how i envision kaisa to be, and she kinda does look like eren tbh but shh, we have  imagination

hope you enjoyed!


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