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"Well, I have no idea how, but you haven't broken a single vertebra in your spine. All that's there is just some intensive bruising. Turn around for me and lie down, please." The doctor runs his hand down my spine, making me wince in response. I comply with his request and turn to face him, lying down on the cot in the medic's ward, adjusting my sports bra as I did so.

"Oh yeah, you've got at least one broken rib for sure. I'm surprised you haven't punctured any of your organs considering the condition you're in." He lightly presses across my ribcage and I yelp while the tears form in the corners of my eyes.

"I couldn't just watch my comrade die in front of me." I grit my teeth as he places a cold compress to delay the swelling.

"Thank you, Kaisa." He says, preparing gauze on the table next to me.

"For what? I let Levi's entire squad die." I quietly respond.

"My son speaks very highly of you, he says that you're incredible to watch outside the walls in combat." The doctor removes the ice pack from my bare ribcage and starts disinfecting the surface before stitching up a wound on my stomach.

He has fine wrinkles on his forehead, developing crows feet, and also a carved jawline. Black hair, dark blue eyes, approximately 6'3, and a thin nose.

"Are you Tobio Kageyama's father?" I grit my teeth as the stitch pierces my skin repeatedly.

"You have a keen eye, he did mention that too, but yes, I am Tobio's father. On another note, you'll have about twelve stitches, so please don't exert yourself too much otherwise they'll tear or get infected." He ties the end of his work with a knot and finishes my treatment by placing gauze over my wound, following with a patch to keep everything in place.

Dr. Kageyama helps me sit up once again before setting me on my feet. "You're all set to go. Someone's been waiting outside for you, but don't overdo any extra movements." He instructs. I walk over to the drawer where my shirt and pants lay and head into the changing area to switch out of the shorts provided to me while slowly putting on fresh clothes. I fold the shorts and leave them in the wash basket inside the room, drawing back the curtain to face the doctor, giving a slight wave.

"Thank you, Dr. Kageyama." I smile at the medical professional.

"It's the least I can do for the woman who was willing to sacrifice herself for my son. Thank you for your service." He reaches behind him and brings out a jar, opening the lid before tilting the container in my direction. I raise an eyebrow but a smile spreads across my face as I reach into the clear glass, pulling out the coloured item.

"Thanks for the gift! See you later!" I say my last regard before leaving the room.

Walking into the main area of the medic camp, I see Levi perched against a carriage observing all the other people in the waiting area. I'm guessing he's the person the doctor warned me about earlier. I look down and see that his ankle is bandaged which gives me a sense of relief since I know how stubborn he can be when it comes to injuries. I shift my gaze higher and see he's holding a folded green cape by his side—probably mine considering I couldn't find any green cape while I changed in the doctor's office.

His head turns in my direction, most likely hearing my footsteps on the gravel, and stands up properly to greet me as I approach him.

"Hey, how's your ankle?" I ask gently.

"Fine. What'd Dr. Kageyama say about your injuries?" He changes the subject quickly.

"Guess who doesn't have a broken spine!" I beam at the slightly taller man.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora