Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Megatron already felt like he was going mad. His sense of time was entirely ruined and every moment felt like years to him. No matter how hard he tried, he could not seem to be fully at ease, his recharge restless and full of nightmares. He whimpered and thrashed in his dreams only to find himself being woken up and carried like a sparkling's plaything by a demon. Purple optics bore into him and he cowered, having been punished multiple times for the smallest offenses.

The moment he was set down on the berth, he groveled and showed as much submission as he could. Unicron smirked in the dim light of the room, reaching out and pulling Megatron closer by his collar. The silver mech visibly trembled although he dare not pull back.

"Are you having trouble resting, dearest pet?"

"Yes, Master. But I will quiet and rest if you wish it so." Megatron said, flinching when Unicron reached out to stroke him along his powerful back. This seemed to be a new form of torture.

"You do not need to fear me, Megatron. You have proven to be a worthwhile pastime." Unicron soothed, continuing to pet him like some kind of Earth animal. Megatron tensed but did not have the gall to move away.

"What-what are you doing?!" Megatron yelped when one of Unicron's clawed servos brushed over Megatron's aft. He knew well what the demon was doing but wanted no part of it. Throw him back into the acid pits forever before he had to submit like that!

"Do not fight me." Unicron warned when Megatron started to move away, optics wide with nervousness. He knew the demon would pounce soon and got ready to fight.

Unicron made a lunge for him across the berth and Megatron snarled a challenge as he caught the large mech with his claws and drove them deep between armor seams. Unicron hissed in mild annoyance before he grabbed Megatron and threw him off the berth onto the floor. The silver mech made a loud clanging screech of metal as he slid across the floor and lay still. When he tried to stand he felt he was pinned by some unseen force, now causing him to struggle all the harder.

"Since you seem so unwilling to lay with me, my little pet, how about you meet my more loyal mechs? They have been lonely for some time now and would surely love your company..." Unicron chuckled as seven aggressive looking mechs appeared in front of Megatron's weak form.

"No! Please! I was wrong! I belong only to you!" Megatron screamed hoarsely as he was grabbed at by two of the largest mechs. They were obviously the strongest and wanted torture with him first.

"Once they are done with you, I will take my turn."

"No! Noooo!" Megatron howled as his vision became that of a red and blue mech. His cries were hushed with a rough punch to the vocalizer, his form flailing without hope of escape.

'This isn't can't be!' Megatron tried to tell himself as he felt servos all over him. 'It isn't real...'

Unicron purred when Megatron let out the most interesting scream of pain and humiliation so far as he was forcefully taken and used until all the mechs were finished. It was good to see the mech so reduced to noting, beaten and broken until he was only loyal to his true Master. Sending the mechs away, Unicron picked up the sobbing form of Megatron. Yes, the gladiator was in tears.

"Hush now, Megatron. You are safe with me." Unicron purred, nuzzling the mech's cheek as he rested weakly against his Master's chest plating. Megatron only whimpered, not even able to turn his helm away. It hurt too much to bother.

Megatron spent what seemed like centuries being coddled by the somewhat regretful demon. He knew it was all just another game, but he couldn't being himself to care anymore. He shuttered his optics and imagined he was with Starscream, amazingly finding some form of comfort in that thought. Perhaps he could imagine a world where they could have been happy together...he had all the time in the universe. Why not?

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