Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Can we seem them? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase?" Miko begged the second a stiff looking Megatron lumbered out of his berthroom. "I promise we won't wake Mommy up."

"Oh, aren't you a clever little thing." Megatron sneered at the "Mommy" jibe. He honestly didn't care, but he knew Sarscream would if he caught them saying it. "Yes, you may see them at your own peril. Starscream is extremely protective."

"Miko, you need to be very careful." June advised as she and Agent Fowler came to Miko's side. Raf looked perky as ever and Jack honestly looked like he was reconsidering looking at the newly created sparklings.

"Miko, maybe we should give him a few more days. It would make sense that he would be really possessive since the little ones are so young." Jack pointed out, although he knew Miko wouldn't wait any longer. After Ratchet had announced the twins had arrived without complication to Optimus, Miko had wanted to see.

"Don't go in there unless Megatron is there. He knows how to control his partner better than anyone." June added, watching as Megatron swallowed two cubes of glowing blue energon. He growled happily, stretching out and snapping all of his joints.

"Which of you is willing to risk sure death for the chance to see sparklings?" Megatron asked, opening a palm to the children.

Miko scrambled into his servo without a second thought and dragged Raf along with her. Jack sighed, reluctantly joining them. June and Agent Fowler stayed behind, deciding they could wait.

Megatron huffed softly and headed towards the room, quietly opening the door, relaxing when he saw his mate was still in recharge. Good. "Stay quiet and do not wake the sparklings." he ordered sternly, setting the children down on the berth and moving Starscream's arm out of the way so they could see.

"They're so cute!" Miko whispered, eyes huge when she saw two Seekerlings cuddled up against their Carrier's abdominal plating. "Oh, I wish Bulkhead would have sparklings!" she giggled, wanting so badly to play with them.

"They are pretty cute..." Jack sighed, rubbing the back of his head. He hated to admit it, but the two mechs they hated for so long really had seemed to change. If they could take care of sparklings, maybe there was hope for even the worst of Cybertronians. With the exception of Airachnid, of course.

Megatron perked up instantly when Striker made a soft chirp, optic shutters opening and his bright red optics locking onto the children. He made a soft squeak and tumbled over his smaller brother, waking him as well as he crawled over to explore the new arrivals.

"Hey, little one. What's your name?" Miko asked as a delicate servo reached out to grasp her offered one.

There was a long trail of chitters and squeaks and suddenly a happy peep when Quicksilver came over, optics curious. And all it took was that one louder peep to wake Starscream.

Megatron got ready to defend the fleshlings from his mate, watching as the adult Seeker stretched out and yawned, claws scouring makes in the berth as he flexed them. His optics locked onto his offspring and he instantly went on the defensive, snatching them both back away from the children.

"What are they doing with my sparklings?!" Starscream demanded, shooting Megatron a dangerous glare. The silver mech grunted.

"Seeing the little ones is no crime. They could hardly do anything to hurt them, Starscream."

"What are their names? They're very beautiful." Miko asked, knowing that was the kind of comment that would pacify Starscream's personality. A compliment and showing some interest was all it took to get him to open up sometimes.

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