Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen  

Starscream woke to the feel of rain pattering on his plating and rolling down his wings. He got up and shook himself off, wings flicking as he tried to figure out whether or not he liked the feeling of being washed off like this. It wasn’t oil, but it was still getting the grit and dirt from his plating seams. 

“Megatron, get up.” he muttered, shaking his still recharging partner awake. Megatron made an annoyed sounding grunt but opened his shuttered optics. 

“It’s raining?” Megatron asked, holding a servo out and glancing up into the sky as he shook himself off. 

“Yes, it’s raining! I want to go back to the Nemesis now. Hurry up!” Starscream snapped as he tapped an impatient pede on the ground, fussy now that he was getting cold. Megatron rolled his optics but went along with the little Seeker. 

The two took to the air a klick or so later, heading back to their starship. The storm was getting worse, though, the rain nearly blinding and the wind strong enough to move the two jets around in the air. 

“We need to land!” Megatron decided, seeing Starscream was struggling since he was much lighter. 

Starscream dove to follow, transforming when he got to the ground again. He looked up at Megatron for guidance, the silver mech shivering a little. He nudged Starscream’s cheek with his and set off towards the Autobot’s earth base. They would be able to find shelter there. 

Smokescreen was the one to greet them at the door, the smaller mech staring at them with shock. He and many of the other Autobots were still not used to the fact that Megatron and Starscream were no longer any form of a threat. 

“If you have an extra room, we would like to get out of this rain.” Starscream said, trying to get under the doorway as he spoke. He was sick of the rain. 

“Why not fly back to the Nemesis?” Smokescreen asked haughtily, still keeping the two outside. 

“The wind is too strong for us to get there with relatively low fuel.” Megatron said sternly, glaring Smokescreen into submission. The ground vehicle quickly let them in and shut the massive door.

“A room?” Starscream asked again, optics narrowed. 

“Yeah, yeah, get Ratchet to show you.” Smokescreen said as the red and white mech came over with a nasty scowl on his faceplate. 

“We would like a room. Just for the night.” Megatron said, still shivering. 

“Follow me.” Ratchet said, waving them on down a hallway. “It’s not huge, but it should be alright for one night.” the medic said, hiding a small smile when Starscream leapt onto the berth and curled right up. 

“Megatron, hurry up!” Starscream snapped as Ratchet left. 

“I’m not entirely in the mood, Starscream.” Megatron murmured, joining his mate on the berth and cuddling up with him, form cold still. Starscream noticed and ran a servo down his side. 

“Are you feeling well, Master?” 

“I just need some rest is all. No need to worry about me, Starscream.” Megatron chuckled, nuzzling his partner before he returned to recharge. 


Megatron groaned, waking up a few Earth hours later with a horrible cough and chills. Starscream was watching him nervously, his red optics wide with concern. The silver mech groaned and rubbed his forehelm with one servo, shuddering a little. 

“I think we should get you to the medic.” Starscream said, kneading him with his long claws. Megatron snorted. 

“Starscream, I’m just fine.” he insisted before he broke out into a fit of hoarse coughing.

“MEDIC!” Starscream screeched, calling Ratchet in without having to wait long. 

“What’s wrong?” Ratchet yelped, looking for a real emergency. Starscream flicked his wings and pointed at Megatron. 

Ratchet decided he was too tired to argue with the Seeker and went to examine the former warlord. He frowned when he felt how cold he was and managed to pull Megatron to his pedes. 

“Come on, we need to get you to medical bay so I can get a better look at you.” 

Megatron followed without complaint, his optics half shuttered with fatigue. The moment he spotted one of the medical berths, Megatron flopped down on it and fell back into recharge, his breathing sounding ragged. 

“What’s wrong with him, doctor?” Starscream asked, slinking past Ratchet to get to his mate. 

“He’s got a virus.” Ratchet said, shuffling through some cabinets and taking out some bottles of medicated energon and a thermometer. “Now I have to take his temperature. Just hold him still so he doesn’t fight it.” 

“Fight it? Why would he?” Starscream asked, hugging Megatron around his neck and pressing down on his partner’s chest. 

“It’s not going in his mouth.” Ratchet replied dryly, Starscream snickering a little. 

“He won’t like that.” 

“Just keep him still.” Ratchet ordered, lifting one of Megatron’s legs a little. 

Megatron woke with a loud snarling yelp, trying to get up but finding he was pinned. “Starscream! Get off me, you fool!” 

“Just behave...please? For me?” Starscream purred, hoping Ratchet would hurry up. 

“Yep. He has a virus. Nothing too severe, mind you.” Ratchet assured, letting Megatron curse and thrash even after the thermometer was removed. 

“Quit it! You’re acting like a sparkling!” 

“Silence, Starscream!” 

Ratchet rolled his optics and brought over a blanket, handing it to Starscream. The Seeker showed surprising fondness as he wrapped it around his partner, sharing a small smile with his mate before pulling away.

“Drink this twice a day for about two days and you’ll be back to normal in no time.” Ratchet said, handing over four medicated energon cubes. Megatron was thankfully a good patient and did as he was told, taking one of the cubes and swallowing the entire thing.

“Can we stay here for a night? It’s too much work to move the fragger once he’s recharging.” Starscream asked softly when Megatron yawned and lay down on the berth. 

“You can stay. Just don’t keep me awake.” Ratchet grunted, heading off to his quarters in the back of the room. 

Starscream settled in with Megatron, sharing some of the blanket as they rested together. It was a good feeling to know his partner was going to be just fine, making recharge peaceful. No nightmares that night, just himself and Megatron.


Starscream and Megatron tried to leave the next morning, but Ratchet wouldn’t allow it. Megatron was one of his patients and until he got a clean bill of health, he was stuck there at the base. Starscream complained loudly about them being detained, but Megatron didn’t seem to care. 

“Hush, Starscream.” he growled when the Seeker decided arguing with Ratchet was a good idea. Starscream made a muffled “you hush” as his words were stolen in a kiss.

Ratchet and the other Autobots tried not to notice the two, the mates often exchanging shows of affection for one another. It was truly shocking to see, the mechs that had once tried to constantly kill one another now so close. It was slightly unnerving, yet full of promise. Maybe there was hope for even the worst of mechs. 

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