Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Megatron and Starscream realized they would not be leaving the Autobot ground base for a good two weeks or so. It turned out Seekers were quick to conceive and Starscream was promptly expecting. A pair of Seekerlings were on their way and Ratchet was not about to let them go back to the Nemesis. Aerials had a very short carrying period and soon Starscream would be uninterested in doing much other than recharging.

"Kids, you need to go home!" Ratchet demanded, trying hard to get rid of Miko and Raf. They had both come to see a pregnant Starscream.

"Awww, but I wanted to see him!" Miko wined, pulling one of her poutiest faces at the grouchy old medic.

"He is in a terrible mood at the moment..." Ratchet said, wincing when the door to the mated pair's room swung open to reveal a particularly pissed off looking Seeker.

"Starscream! You are being entirely unreasonable!" Megatron's voice snapped from within the room, the silver mech obviously fed up with his moody mate.

"Shut up!" Starscream screeched, wings flicking backwards like an angry cat's ears would. "I'm tired and I am not going to listen to you yap at me for the rest of my term!"

Starscream ignored Ratchet and the staring children as he curled up on the floor a few yards away, folded his wings close to his sides, and shuttered his optics. His sharp claws uncurled as he fell into recharge, now looking peaceful and innocent. Miko and Raf went running over to get a good look at him, staring in awe at his swollen middle. It was strange for humans to understand, but they were admittedly excited for the Seekerlings to arrive. They would be the first in many eons and they wanted to see them.

"Is he bothering you?" Megatron asked Ratchet, lumbering out of the room a few minutes after Starscream had picked a new place to rest. The medic shook his helm.

"He hardly said a thing before he went back to recharge." Ratchet admitted, somehow having gotten used to the pair. They had a strange kind of relationship, but they weren't entirely impossible to deal with.

"How much longer will he be so ornery? His mood improved since bonding, I admit, but now it has declined considerably." Megatron growled, voice edged with concern. He honestly couldn't take care for Starscream if he continued to act so unruly.

"Mood swings of the highest severity are to be expected, along with increased fueling and recharging. By the looks of him he only has a few more days." Ratchet said, managing to prod at Starscream's bulging middle while he was resting without him knowing.

"I can only take a few more Earth days! He is...difficult." Megatron sighed, rubbing his aching helm. Those last days would no doubt be trying and painfully slow.


For Miko and Raf, it was difficult for them not to burst out into laughter when June and Jack arrived to find a recharging Starscream nearly blocking the entrance to the base. Jack and June skirted his limp claws before shooting Ratchet and Megatron annoyed looks. Megatron growled a warning and the two quickly looked away. Apparently his Seeker could stay there if he liked.

"What the frag?!" Smokescreen yelped as he nearly cracked into Starscream as he came speeding into the base with Arcee at his back. "What is he doing on the floor? He's blocking the ramp!" the mech added, transforming and shoving Starscream out of the way.

"Don't wake him, you fool!" Megatron yelped as twin optics were opened and Starscream came back into the conscious world.

"How dare you touch a superior officer?!" Starscream gasped, wings high with indignation before he narrowed his optics and flexed his claws. "I will have your spark for that!"

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