Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Optimus and the other Autobots were stunned silent when they saw the massive form of Megatron enter the room. Starscream was not with him which also led them to thoughts of concern for the relatively compliant Seeker's absence. Had something happened to him the night before?  

"Are you surprised to see me? I never seem to die, do I, Optimus?" Megatron announced, standing with the treaty in one servo. The data pad had been signed and he had agreed to all the terms without a second thought.  

" signed everything?" Optimus stammered for a moment after he took the data pad and read it all through. Megatron nodded firmly, already turning his back to leave.  

"Yes, you may have Cybertron and all that is in it. I have no need for it any longer." Megatron said plainly. "Oh, and please consider my extra note. I think it will be beneficial to everyone."  

"Oh? And what do you intend to do without Cybertron?" Smokescreen boldly called out form the ranks. Megatron glanced over his shoulder plating and grinned a little.  

"I have my plans."  


"Steve, hurry! We will be late!" Starscream demanded, ushering the Vehicon off of the Nemesis. Steve stumbled on his own pedes and narrowly missed a chance to fall down the ramp of the Nemesis.  

"Coming, sir!"  

The pair passed Megatron without a word, the Seeker refusing to look at the former gladiator and warlord. Megatron knew it would only hurt more if he watched Starscream, so he kept his gaze ahead and blocked out everything. It was over. Nothing really mattered now.  

"What foolishness did he create now?!" Starscream demanded as he came to stand impatiently before Optimus.  

"I think you will be very pleased with the results. He seems to have changed a great deal for the better." the Prime said, shaking his helm in awe. Whatever the Seeker had done had certainly worked. Megatron had become less than a threat. 

Starscream took the data pad and read through it, optics widening when he saw everything had been signed. Every ounce of power Megatron once had was gone, his army was disbanded, his weapons and energon stores were handed over, and the Nemesis had been left for the Autobots. But the most interesting thing he left was a small note written in his own claw at the bottom of the treaty which read:

As a last wish I hope you will consider giving Starscream and his loyal mate control over New Vos and New Kaon. I also implore that you destroy all records of my existence and wrongdoings. A new Golden Age has no place for such dark history

Starscream knew something was wrong when he read "last wish." Megatron would never say such a thing! As he reread the note, he felt his spark ache. Megatron spoke as if Steve and Starscream were the only two that mattered, that they were and had always been the same couple.  

'Why would he want all of his records erased? No...he wouldn't do such a thing!' Starscream thought, realizing what the note really meant.  

"Where is he?" he asked, turning to Optimus and the others. They all glanced into the sky as a lone arial took flight and disappeared into the covering of clouds. Miko pointed to the cloudy sky and gave Starscream a "are-you-stupid" look.  

Telling Steve to stay, Starscream transformed and followed Megatron to wherever the mech was headed. With hope he wouldn't lose him within the thick covering of graying clouds, but the Seeker didn't have much of a chance since Megatron had a good head start. Within moments he lost the silver mech, his sense of direction ruined as he desperately tried to find his hurting partner.  

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