Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Two Earth months passed and Megatron had become the most aggressive and easily aggravated he had ever been. He was constantly searching for signs of his lost Seeker, his spark secretly aching with the knowledge he had scared the striking creature away. He cursed himself for having ripped off the mech's wings so callously, deciding that must have been the final straw for Starscream.

Knockout watched from a distance, observing how the warlord paced more often, how his temper was more easily provoked, how he stared intently out of the Nemesis windows in hopes of somehow spotting was almost painful to watch the silver mech suffer so deeply. After all, he was the one who was made to deal out suffering onto others.

Megatron continued to watch the blinking monitor on the ship, waiting for something. Suddenly a red light blared and the warlord reeled back with shock. Peering closer at the signal, he realized with growing hope that it was Starscream.

"Have the Nemesis land nearby. I have work to do." Megatron grunted, quickly making his way out of the starship to the flight deck.


Starscream snarled at the rogue Insecticon as it tore the scrap of energon out of the ground that Starscream had taken a good hour to unearth. The beast clicked its pincers at him and started to go when it was tackled by a vicious Seeker from behind.

"How dare you turn your back on a commanding officer?! I will have your head for that!" Starscream shrieked, clawing and scraping to get at the energon.

The Insecticon let out a sudden wail and collapsed in a heavy heap of metal after Starscream drove his long claws into the creature's neck cables. Thinking it had been he who felled the beast, Starscream scrambled down from the back of the Insecticon and collected his energon. Now all he had to do was get back to his little hideout...


Starscream's wings tensed as he turned to see Megatron with his fusion canon still aimed at the dead Insecticon. The Seeker backed hastily away as Megatron came forward, lowering his arm to attempt to show he was no threat.

"Stay back!" Starscream hissed, optics glimmering with a hint of feral aggression. He had been left on his own for too long and was starting to show signs of more primal programming.

"Starscream, I came to speak with you, fool!" Megatron snarled, making the Seeker recoil as if hit. The warlord knew he had to tone it down lest Starscream bolt.

"I do not wish to speak with you ever again!"

Megatron already was getting a raging helmache from the stupid Seeker. It was truly amazing how bothersome the mech could be. Sighing deeply, Megatron strode ever closer. Starscream made a warning hiss, claws at the ready while he held the energon crystal under one arm.

"Starscream, listen to me..."

Megatron lunged and managed to bring Starscream to the ground, the Seeker shrieking like he was being cruelly murdered. Dust and rocks got scuffed up while he struggled, legs and arms flailing wildly before he was pinned under Megatron's powerful build.

"Nooo! Don't hurt me! No! No!" Starscream shrieked, starting to tremble under Megatron.

"I wanted to talk to you, little fool." Megatron growled, sharp dentas close to Starscream's faceplate. "There is no harm in talking, now is there?"

Starscream wanted so badly to trust, to go "home." Living all alone in a damaged husk of a grounded starship was no life he wanted to live, but he had in order to escape the pain and suffering the silver mech brought him. But once again pinned under the stronger creature, Starscream couldn't help but panic and try and find a way out.

Megatron began talking, but Starscream wasn't listening. He was slowly moving his arm so his missile was aimed right at Megatron's spark chamber. If he hit correctly, he would be able to kill the warlord. If he missed, he would most likely be the one to die. So either way he won.

Megatron let out a startled roar of agony when a terrible heat ripped through his chest and sent him crashing into the ground a few yards from the Seeker. Starscream had managed to wound him. Impressive. But his interest soon grew to horror when he realized he was dying. He couldn't move, he could hardly vent correctly...

"Star-scream..." he panted, trying to get up. His vents were starting to fill with energon from ruptured veins and his voice came out in a gurgling cough.

"Now you know how it feels to die! You will no longer command anything of me, Megatron! Nothing!" Starscream hissed, watching and waiting for Megatron to finally die.


Starscream did nothing and Megatron knew how terribly fair it was. He had not been gentle to Starscream and now he was being relayed for the cruelty. He had made so many mistakes in his long life, perhaps it was time he leave.


Megatron knew where he was the moment his opened his optic shutters. He was in the Pit and for once the gladiator and warlord was truly terrified. This was truly the end. Backing up further in the blackness, Megatron barked a cry of horror when a massive pit of red acid opened up behind him.

Leaping forward, the mech tensed and readied himself for anything, red optics flicking from side to side as he waited for the torture to begin. But nothing happened. Still one edge, he turned a full circle only to go stock still when he came faceplate to faceplate with Unicron himself.

"Megatron. It is good to see you after all this time." the demon of a mech purred, his size only like Megatron's to be less intimidating and easier to talk to. "I have so much waiting for you here."

"You have been waiting for me?" Megatron asked, spiked shoulder tense as he followed reluctantly through the darkness. Unicron chuckled, sounding truly evil.

"Have you ever wanted something badly, Megatron?"

"Of course." Megatron answered, unsure where this was going. "What does this have to do with-"

"Have you ever had a pet?" Unicron asked casually as the two suddenly walked into a long hallway lit by torches.

"I never wanted one..."

"I have always longed for the perfect pet. And you are entirely what I have been looking for." Unicron announced as they entered a massive room lavishly decorated with reds and golds.

"I am no one's pet!" Megatron snarled before he could help himself.

A second later he nearly lost his balance and fell into another acid pit that popped up in front of him. He reeled back when he saw there were burning mechs in it, their flailing bodies molten red. Venting hard from the scare, he amazingly lowered his shoulders in submission.

"You will be hard to tame, but I will have the greatest fun with you." Unicron said cheerfully, motioning for Megatron to come closer. The silver mech did only out of fear of the acid pits.

"I do not want to wear a collar! I am obedient!" Megatron growled as a black metal collar was snapped around his neck cabling. "Take this off me at once!"

Ignoring Megatron entirely, Unicron dragged him by the collar to a round dog bed at the side of the demon's berth. He shoved Megatron into the plush bed before he clipped the mech to the berth by a chain. Megatron snarled at the restraint and started thrashing and clawing at it instantly.

"That will do you no good, my pet. Rest while you can. I have things I must attend to." Unicron hissed, snapping his claws so an acid pit surrounded Megatron's dog bed. He nearly shrieked as he curled up tightly in the only safe place there was, fighting to keep the wailing screams of the tormented from his audio receptors.

For once in his life he was praying to Primus to help him, but he knew such a god couldn't hear him. He was one of the many forsaken and would never emerge from the eternal world of suffering known as the Pit.

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