Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Starscream refused to be anywhere near Megatron if he could manage it. The second he had been well enough to stand, he was on his pedes and heading for the warlord's room door, sneaking out and back to his empty quarters. It didn't take long for Megatron to find him, but at least he had been able to be alone for a little while.

"You little slag." Megatron spat as he stormed into the room to find his Seeker curled up on his berth. "How dare you leave without my consent?!"

Starscream made a warning hiss, wings rising aggressively as the other mech come closer. He was still hurting but he was not in a pleasant mood. If Megatron got too close, he would snap. The former gladiator ignored the obvious warning signs and reached out to grab the Seeker by his wing when Starscream snarled and leapt at him.

Surprised by the sudden move, Megatron stumbled and came crashing to the ground with a furious Seeker on his chest. Sharp claws drove into the seams of Megatron's plating, eliciting a loud bellow of rage and pain when energon was drawn from new wounds. Starscream made a lunge for Megatron's optics when he felt a strong servo curl around his neck.

"Starscream, you are a fool." he spat, starting to close his grip. Starscream let out a strangled gag and began to claw weakly at his neck, optics wide with terror. He wasn't scared of death, but he was scared of all the pain that could be inflicted before he passed.

"I am going to rip you limb from limb, my disobedient Seeker." Megatron purred deeply, faceplate only an inch or two from Starscream's as he spoke. "I will make sure you cannot leave my ship again."

With that said, Megatron threw Starscream to the floor and pinned him under a strong pede. Starscream didn't bother to struggle, knowing it was no use. It was all a waste of energy. He shuttered his optics when he felt servos on his wings, but couldn't hold back the shrieking cry of agony as the appendages were torn clean off and discarded behind the warlord.

Megatron was slightly shocked when he heard sobbing from his unruly Second in Command, his audio receptors never having heard such a thing out of that mech. He had heard begging, screaming, and sarcasm, but never sobbing. He moved his pede off Starscream's torn back, energon pouring forth. He would need to see Knockout again but his wings would not be reattached. That would be a fine punishment, he decided.

Calling for Knockout and giving the red sports car his orders, Megatron left Starscream in his room. There was no reason to stay.


Starscream was terribly distraught when he realized his wings were not back on his shoulders. They were gone from his room and he had no clue as to where they were. Whining nervously, he began pacing the length of his room while he clenched his jaw and flexed his claws with anxiety.

"Commander Starscream?" a hesitant voice called from the still open door to the room. Starscream went stiff and turned to see a Vehicon standing in the doorway. "Would you like me to close the door?"

"Where are my wings? Did Megatron make you take them somewhere?" Starscream asked, rushing over and grabbing the Vehicon by his shoulder plating.

"I have not seen them, Commander. But I can help you look." he offered cutely, trying to be of help. He had always liked Starscream.

Before Starscream knew what he was doing, he was hugging the Vehicon tightly, thrilled someone was willing to stand on his side. The Vehicon hugged back, humming happily in his engines from the affection. A moment later he was walking out of the room with he Second in Command in search of Starscream's lost wings. They had decided to head to med bay. After all, the wings would be useful later on to Knockout and he would most likely have stashed them away somewhere.

"What's your name?" Starscream asked, uncharacteristically clingy and nervous as he pressed close to the Vehicon's side. The affect on him having no wings made him feel more than vulnerable and hated.

"My name is ST3V3, but everyone calls me Steve." Steve said cheerfully when Starscream nearly knocked him over from pressing to close against him. Starscream shuddered slightly but nodded.

"Steve..." he muttered as they approached med bay. Voices came from inside the room and Starscream halted for a moment outside the door.

"My liege, you really should consider allowing Starscream to have his wings back. He will become terribly paranoid and skittish without them."

"He must learn his lesson. I would have done worse but I cannot allow him more time away from his duties by putting him in med bay for long." Megatron's harsh voice replied. "He will be easer to control if he is fearful."

"My lord, he won't be able to fly. That's his main purpose! He will attach himself to the first mech that shows him any kindness for protection and he will be dependent on them for everything."

"Then it must be myself that he becomes attached to!" Megatron declared, turning when the door opened to find Starscream clinging to a common Vehicon like he was a shield.

Knockout and Megatron stood in shock for a moment, watching as Steve approached and Starscream stayed pressed to his side. The Vehicon gently pet Starscream's upper arm when the mech flinched away from Megatron, scarlet optics wide with terror.

"Starscream would like to have his wings back, if you have them." Steve said, trying to pry Starscream off him when he saw Megatron's murderous glare.

"Reattach his wings." Megatron ordered Knockout, seeing first hand exactly what a wingless Seeker was like and loathing it with everything in his being. It was wrong to see Starscream so out of his head with fear.

"Noooo! Don't hurt me!" Starscream cried out when Knockout grasped his servo in his own.

"Easy,'re okay, Starscream." Knockout soothed, managing to coax Starscream from Steve to himself. Megatron nearly shot the medic when his Starscream latched onto Knockout's garishly red arm.

Megatron growled from deep within his chest but backed off. He would return once Starscream was repaired and back to his normal self. It was too strange to see him acting so oddly. Nodding silently to Knockout that told him he had best get started, Megatron turned and strode out of the room.


"You have to help." Starscream begged, claws digging into the medical berth as Knockout paced in front of him. "That brute will murder me!"

"What have you ever done for me?" Knockout returned with his usual drawl. Starscream whined, trying hard to think of something.


"You never did anything." Knockout said firmly, "But I think since you told me Breakdown is okay, I owe you some form of thanks."

"Will you help me, then?"

"As best I can."


"He really is going to miss you. Even though he might treat you like slag, he does have some form of feeling towards you." Knockout said softly before Starscream went out onto the empty flight deck.

"You don't know that! Have you seen what he does to me?!"

"Have you seen how he acts when you aren't close? He nearly killed me today when you took me over him in your nervous state! Starscream, he cares. Trust me." the sports car retorted, crossing his arms.

"He brutalizes me every chance he gets! His "caring" is merely possessiveness." Starscream huffed, wings flicking with agitation.

"Suit yourself. Come back once you get your processor cleared."

"I will never be coming back." Starscream vowed, loping out onto the flight deck and transforming in a flash.

Knockout knew Megatron would not rest until he had Starscream back, but this was most likely for the best. If the warlord realized how much he loved the Seeker, perhaps they could come to terms again somehow. Knockout decided there was still a sliver of hope before he returned to med bay with his optics looking straight ahead.

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