Farm Life Pt 1(Smut-ish/humor)

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"Are we there yet?" Peter asked in a groggy tone. Tony just sighed grabbed his bag out of the trunk.

"Kid wake up your boyfriend." Clint smirked and hit of the top of the car before helping Tony with his bags.

"He's not my boy-" Peter stopped mid sentence realizing that Clint already walked away. Peter hid his blush and turned to his right to see Ned all curled up in blankets. Cute was all Peter could think while watching Ned. Peter pushed away the butterflies and lightly poked Ned. His eyes fluttered open and he let out a large yawn.

"Hey Ned we're here." Peter whispered and Ned's eyes widen. He quickly pulled off the blankets and pushed open the car door. Ned was more than excited to spend the whole entire weekend with the Avengers and Peter of course. Peter and Ned both hauled in their things into the large house. Once entering they were both hit with the smell of apples and cinnamon.

"Peter, Ned nice of you to finally join us!" Tony called out from the couch drinking a new cup of coffee. Nat quickly came running from the kitchen with a large smile. She ran up to Peter and Ned and pulled them both into a bear hug.

"Ughhh I missed my boys, you both are so grownup!" Nat practically screamed while analyzing our faces and laughing. It's been almost a year since Peter and Ned last saw Nat, but they both think they look the same, only difference is that they both can legally drive now. It was werid to see Nat in a pair of skinny jeans and black tee shirt instead of her usual leather suit getup. Her deep red hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail and she just seemed so happier.

"I missed you so much Nat!" Peter replied while hugging Natasha back. The sudden commotion caused three kids to run into the livingroom all covered in dirt and leaves. They screamed and ran throughout the room in an aggressive game of tag. They raced around Peter and Ned almost making them both fall.

"Nathaniel, Lisa, and Cooper I've about had it with the running in the house!" Laura scremed while running into the livingroom scoping up Nate into her arms giving him a death glare, it wasn't even directed at Peter and he felt it go straight through his soul. The little boy just lowered his eyes in shame and muttered out a weak "sorry" in his quiet toddler tone. Laura just sighed before wiping the sweat off her brow.

"Go clean off and get ready for dinner and then come back to clean up the floors." Laura demanded in a stern tone, Clint mouthed a small sorry to his kids as they walked away embarrassed. Peter just gave Ned a small nervous smile, it was incredibly awkward watching someone yell at their kids. Laura pulled up her hair and put on a large smile.

"You must be Peter, I'm kind of like the bad guy around here." Laura eyed back at Clint showing that he wasn't necessarily the best at disciplining. Peter just rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly while letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah that's me, don't worry I understand you probably have to babysit Clint too." Peter smiled while holding out his hand to meet laura's. Clint just rolled his eyes while Nat snorted, something she only does when she's incredibly amused. Laura just sighed in agreement and peered over at Ned.

"Is this" Laura gestured towards Ned with confusion riddled on her face, it was a holiday weekend and usually people bring up their partners to meet the family, so Laura only assumed.

"Friend, my friend!" Peter yelled out, his face had gone beet red and his voice was shakey. Ned scrunched his eyebrows together and gave Peter a weird look trying to understand why Peter was being so awkward.

"Hi I'm Ned, Peter and I go to school together I'm also basically Spiderman's sidekick." Ned hummed out showing off his bright goofy smile, Peter felt a little pain in his chest from it. Laura smirked at the two before Thor practically pushed her to the side.

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