The Fight(Angst/Smut-ish)

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Peter/Ned are 20 don't @ me
⚠️also kinda smutty⚠️

Peter came tumbling through his bedroom window, falling to the floor in pain. He pulled off his mask and felt the blood trickle down his nose. Ned watched in horror as blood seeped from Peter's body. Ned stumbled over to Peter pulling him off the floor and setting him on the bed. Peter breath was heavy and he winced holding his stomach in pain. He pulled off his suit to reveal a slash on the right side of his abdomen. Ned rushed into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

"You went after him didn't you." Ned asked angrily, he continued to pull out various medical supplies. Peter just sighed and ran his finger through his hair.

"I had to Ned he's-" Peter tried to explain and Ned just huffed.

"You didn't have to do anything Peter, getting revenge is not like you. He didn't even kill ben-"

"Don't you dare say his name." Peter lowered his voice angrily and Ned shook his head in disbelief. He pulled out alcohol and without warning poured it onto the gash. Peter cried out in pain and scowled down at Ned.

"Wow very mature." Peter mocked and Ned just scoffed.

"If we're talking about maturity then let's talk about how you could've got yourself killed!" Ned yelled with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Why should you care!" Peter pointed down at Ned and narrowed his eyes. Ned just let out a small anger filled laugh.

"Why should I care?! Oh I don't know maybe because I love you but you don't give two shits about that, you just don't understand do you! Ned yelled as his voice cracked from the tears welling in his eyes. Peter clenched his fists as his face heated up with rage.

"No you don't understand, I lost everything and I'll do anything in my power to make sure they know that!" Peter voice was higher in pitch from the tears that started to form in his eyes, Peter was full of pure hatred and rage. Ned shook his head in disgust, his lip trembled in fear.

"This is isn't like you Peter." Ned whispered as he breathe hitched.

"Then maybe you don't me as well as you thought you did." Peter's words were cold and they stabbed into Ned's heart. Peter stood up trying not to scream in pain from the open wound.

"I know that my Peter wouldn't kill, he wouldn't try to kill someone, my Peter would know that Ben wouldn't want for him to seek revenge! This is Spiderman talking, I want to speak to Peter!" Ned cried out looking up at Peter desperately trying remind him of the truth. Peter realized what he was saying, he was disgusted with himself. However, pride and stubbornness took over.

"Please leave." Peter whispered softly trying to hide his tears.

"Peter I-"

"JUST GO!" Peter screamed and sank to the floor sobbing. Ned pulled Peter into his arms, carefully as to not hit his bandaged wound. Peter gripped to the back of Ned's shirt screaming out in pain into Ned's shoulder. Peter after all these years found the person who had killed Ben. Rage clouded his judgment, he spent weeks tracking him down, he was consumed with the idea of revenge.

Ned cupped Peter's face and forced him to look up. Those eyes of Peter's, it was one of Ned's weaknesses. No matter how enraged he was, those eyes brought him back to a peaceful calm moment. Peter was disappointed with himself and Ned could see that in his eyes, the pure self hatred. Peter's skin was pale and cold to the touch, the small dark rings around his eyes only showed his need for sleep. His cheeks were red and puffy from tears that have been held back for far to long. Peter's lips were a bright pink, they were trembling from the sobbing. Ned leaned down and slowly planted a kiss onto Peter's broken lip. Peter seemed to let his body relax into the feeling.

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