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A/N: Honestly just skip this one, I was going through my edgy-sad teen phase and it's pretty cringeworthy. Especially with all the point of view changes. I promise it gets better from here. <3

There lied 16 year old Peter Parker in his dark room, rolled in a burrito of blankets slightly snoring.

The alarm clock rang throughout the whole room and Peter let a small whine and sifted his whole body into an upwards position. Curls in his eyes and body still recovering from the night before.

He got up lazily and walked to the bathroom dragging his feet. Once he got to the mirror he saw a large gash poking out of his "I survived my trip to NewYork" shirt. It was coved in dry blood and bits of glass. There was group of guys trying to rob a bank and he decided it would be a great idea to bust threw the window and web the men up. After a long and exhausting fight with the leader he finally was done and feld before the police came not to get caught.

Not that he was afraid of the police but afraid of Mr. Stark telling him the job was to dangerous and taking the suit away. Peter took of the warn shirt and noticed the wound started mid chest and reached up to shoulder leading into his neck. Although his healing factor was helping, he still needed to cover it for school.

After cleaning the wound and getting ready for school, he searched for a top that would cover any evidence of fighting. Peter ran all around his room looking in his dresser, closet, and laundry pile on his chair for anything. Finally after looking through everything he found a dark green turtle neck that he never would not dare wear in anyother circumstance.

Peter got all of his things and headed to school.

Peter's Pov:

God I hate this thing, it's itchy and tight and Flash will for sure say something about it. I walk into school or should I say prison and just want this day to be over. My whole body hurts from last night and I just don't want to deal with people today. The only thing making me stay is Ned.

Crap Parker stop it! You need to get it together, you don't like Ned!

You see everyday for the past year has been pure torture. It all happened one night when Ned and I were building our lego Death Star and I really don't know what happened but it's like the world stopped and Ned just was the only thing I could focus on.

I can still remember the exact moment, Ned's dark hair was all disheveled from staying up for hours on in working on the Death Star, the way he furrowed his eyebrows while concentrating, his dark glowing skin, his cute huggable body, and his eyes were shinning with determination, it was like my heart froze. Wai Peter what are you thinking. I remeber asking myself why is my heart beating so fast, and why I couldn't think straight!

Since that night a year ago, I've done a pretty great job at controlling these feelings. It also helps that I've been at Stark's lab more often this year working and patrolling that Ned and I don't really have sleepovers or lots of hang out time. I try to avoid him and I was able to change my class schedule to only be in one class with him. Yet, without him I feel lonely and depressed but with him I might mess things up and tell him.

I can't risk losing our friendship by me telling him these feelings. I wasn't sure about them at first but they grow bigger everytime I see him. I can't get him out of my mind. Mr. Stark has even noticed how distant I am during conversations and while in the lab. I can't sleep and I don't really eat. I look terrible, I act like a terrible person. He is smart and absolutely beautiful and I don't want to lose him.

So now it's the last week of school and then I will have the whole summer to worry about messing things up with Ned. He and MJ will definitely want to hang out and I can't risk losing him.

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