The Announcement (Fluff/Humor)

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Announcements are interesting moments in life, they can either bring joy and excitement or heartbreak and despair. But luckily in this instance it's the announcement of an engagement, one that many have been waiting for. Announcements are also interesting because they cause the mind to remember.

When I announce the death of a loved one, do you not start to think of their best moments in life? Like maybe something they did or said. Those memories will start to resurface. But that doesn't matter because this story doesn't involve the death of a loved one, or so I hope not. Again, when I announce to you that Peter and Ned are engaged do you not think of their development as a couple?

If not that's perfectly fine because I'm not asking you, I'm asking the 25 people they announced it to. If you're wondering, the answer to that question is yes, they all had a memory that popped into their heads when hearing this special announcement. Peter and Ned announced their new found plan to marry first to Aunt May. She had a very interesting memory, one out of the ten memories I'll share with you today.

Number One
Subcategory: Aunt May
Section Three: Aisle Escort

Peter came bursting through the small apartment doors with the biggest grin on his face. May stood in the kitchen chopping up vegetables for dinner, as Peter quickly wrapped his arms around her waist burying his face into her stomach. May fell back slightly in shock by the sudden action.

"Sweetie are you ok?" May asked in a soft voice moving a few strands of his hair. It was his first day of 6th grade and May only assumed by the way Peter sank into her arms that the day was exactly what she feared would happen, bullies, no friends, and terrible teachers. Peter was so small for his age, only about 4 foot 10 and a meer 70 pounds. His small frame and intelligent mind was the perfect target for bullies.

However, to May's surprise Peter looked up to meet her eyes with a large smile. His brown eyes were full of hope. Peter pulled away from the hug and pulled his backpack off.

"So how was your first day?" May asked continuing to prepare dinner. Peter just happily sighed thinking about the day still rummaging through his bag.

"Aunt May I made a friend!" Peter yelled out joyously and May just ruffled his hair. Peter always had a problem making friends, it was mostly a common interest problem.

"Pete that's amazing, what's their name?" May asked still smiling.

"His name is Ned and gosh he's amazing, he likes Star Wars and Science. We even have the same classes! We're gonna sit together at lunch!" Peter gushed out grinning from ear to ear, May just giggled slightly.

"I can't wait to meet him." May cupped Peter's cheek while his eyes twinkled talking about this "Ned" child. Peter grabbed his stuff and skipped to his room. Before he entered he turned around at the doorframe leaning against it.

"Hey Aunt May." Peter called out fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah Peter?" May asked still smiling while adding ingredients to a large bowl.

"U-Um is it ok if Ned comes over tomorrow, he has a new lego X-wing set that he said he doesn't want to build without me." Peter softened his voice and almost stuttered his words which threw May off guard, Peter never gets this nervous to ask for someone to come over.

"That's fine with me as long as it's ok with his parents." May smirked slightly and Peter muttered a happy "yes" before running into his room sitting at his desk.

"Thanks Aunt May you're the best!" Peter called out feeling a weird warm feeling inside his chest.

"I know" May replied smugly, she couldn't wait to meet the boy who made her Nephew stutter.

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