No Way Home

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⚠️Spoilers⚠️ If you haven't watched NWH this not going to make a lick of sense...

"SPIDERMAN'S TRUE INDEINTY IS PETER PARKER!" Quinton's voice yelled through the various television screens littered throughout times square.
Peter's eyes went wide and his heart stopped. The crowds of people around him started in his direction, all screaming to get his attention.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Peter screamed while gripping onto his head. He felt like the world was swallowing him whole, every sound, every person who called his name seemed to blur into one loud screech. He felt naked, out in the open. Peter wanted to hide away in the dark and never leave, but he needed to get Ned first. Peter peered down from the pole and watched as crowds violently surrounded Ned. They screamed and yelled begging for information on the superhero.

"Are you Spiderman's friend?"

"Yo, you go to school with that murder!"

"You know Peter, I know you do!"

Ned's eyes frantically darted around the swarm of people. He didn't know what to do. The crowd went from poking and prodding at Ned to quickly shifting their attention to the masked firgure before them. Ned gasped before pushing through the crowd to reach the only person he trusted at the moment.

"You're a murder!"

"Take your mask off you coward!"

Peter maneuvered through the crowd and carefully avoided the many people trying to pull him away from Ned.

"Get away from him!" Peter yelled, his voice quivered, threatening to break. He finally reached Ned and pulled him close into his arms.

"HEY SPIDERMAN HIT ME!" a woman yelled and Peter mentally rolled his eyes before staring down at Ned.

"DUDE!" Ned yelled.

"DUDE!" Peter repeated.

"DUDE!" Ned screeched.

"DUDE" They both finally screamed in unison. Peter shook away his frustration. He didn't want to swing with Ned without a clear mind. Peter wrapped his arms under Ned's legs and swiftly lifted him up to his waist. Ned knew what was coming next and squeezed tightly into Peter's frame.

"I'm so sorry. This is not gonna be a fun ride home!" Peter apologized frantically before a "twip" sound rang in Ned's ear. It all happened in a flash, but they were swinging through the air at speeds Peter didn't know he was capable of.

"Dude, you're absolutely killing my stomach!" Ned breathed out before digging his nails into Peter's shoulders to keep himself from barfing all over his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, we are like a block away man." Peter conveyed before he made one final swing up into the window of his apartment. Ned pushed up the glass and wiggled through while Peter followed closely behind. Ned held his hands on his knees and gasped for air. Peter stripped out of his suit as quick as possible, he felt like it was a giant target on his back and everyone was waiting to shoot.

"Oh my god, Ned!" Peter yelled and grabbed his boyfriend by the forearms. Ned looked up at Peter and just kept shaking his head.

"I don't know what to do!" Peter kept repeating while his breath became more and more shaky.

"We can figure it out, it's okay, I-I can I" Ned didn't know what to do, everything felt so sudden, he couldn't keep up.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Ned I don't know what to do, I need help, I need, oh my god!" Peter continued to ramble and pull his hair. The door slammed open and the teens snapped their heads to see May and Happy standing in the doorway.

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