Shopping With Morgan Stark(Fluff/Humor)

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Ned and Peter sat curled up into one of the countless couchs inside the compound. Peter rested his head on Ned's lap as he played on his phone, while Ned was running his fingers through his hair with one hand while he sipped tea with the other. Peter of course was freezing and buried himself in one of Ned's hoodies.

The door to elevator slowly opened and Mr. Stark and Morgan walked through the doors. Ned and Peter didn't seem to notice because they stayed curled up into eachother. Morgan's eyes went wide and she pointed her fingers at the two and gasped. Peter jumped up and gulped.

Tony leaned down to Morgan's ear and whispered "cooties" in disgust and Morgan just giggled. Peter scrunched up his face in confusion and Ned sat up awkwardly.

*Cough, @buzzkittycat,Cough*

"Hey you guys didn't say you were gonna be here today." Peter said nervously laughing and Tony just smirked.

"Well it is my compound so." Tony chucked sarcastically and Ned just smiled.

"Ned!!" Morgan ran over to Ned and practically jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and laughed.

"Hey it's been awhile how have you been?" Ned asked sweetly and Morgan just brushed a few hairs out of her face.

"Good since I get to spend the day with you guys!" She laughed and Peter raised his eyebrows dramatically.

"Oh is that right." Peter moved his face over to Tony and gave him a death glare.

"I got an important business meeting and I'm not leaving her with Bucky and Nat again." Tony cringed thinking about that terrible experience. Peter sighed and looked over to Ned asking if it was ok to change their plans for the day. Ned just smiled happily.

"Yeah that's not a problem, I'll make sure to keep them out of trouble." Ned smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you guys, Morgan keep these two safe." Morgan just giggled and waved before Tony went back into the elevator. Peter turned around to Ned and gave a sympathetic look.

"Are you sure you're ok with this, we had a lot planned." Peter asked with a small frown.

"Peter we can do all the things we planned with Morgan, come on it will be fun!" Ned smiled and Morgan just giggled shaking her head with Ned's.

"So how would you like to meet our bestfriend Mj?" Ned asked putting Morgan back on the ground.

"Is she cool?" Morgan asked excited.

"Oh super cool!" Peter smiled and Morgan just giggled, Peter grabbed her hand and brought Morgan to his room with Ned. Peter pulled out a large box and set it on the floor in front of them. Morgan's eyes lit up as she saw the countless colors and shapes of the different legos.

"Woah!!" She mumbled out and stuck her hand into the box feeling the legos textures.

"Why do you have so many toys?" Morgan asked looking at Peter in confusion. Ned just held back a laugh while Peter blushed slightly.

"You know I'm still a kid, also you're never to old to have legos!" Peter just poked Morgan's nose and she stuck her tongue out. Peter started shorting pieces while Morgan found all the minifigures. Ned sat down on the floor with them and started building as well.

"So Morgan why aren't Nat and Bucky aloud to watch you anymore?" Ned asked curiously and Morgan just frowned.

"Nat taught me how to use all her knives and Bucky told me how to break someones arm." Ned just blinked slowly and shook his head up and down, confused on why he even asked.

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