Plan Interwebs(Fluff/Humor)

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Ned's pov:

It's about to be my Junior year and I couldn't be more excited. I've always loved school and can't wait to see everyone again. Peter and I haven't see eachother a lot this summer due to Spiderman but we constantly talk on the phone and I help with missions at home being "the guy in the chair".

But every year since 5th grade Peter and I, the week before school starts will have week dedicated to us. Just to spend time with eachother as bestfriends. I just hope this week will be like the ones before. It's only been 3 months since Aunt May passed away. Peter stayed at my house the first night after the funeral and we both cried into eachother all night. Peter lost so much in his life, Aunt May was like a mother and she was always there for both of us.

Peter now lives with Mr. Stark, which is still the coolest thing ever! After just a month of staying at the Avengers compound, Peter was adopted by Mr. Stark. Peter still kept the last name Parker to remember his once living family.

Peter let me come over to The Avengers Compound to meet everyone the first week he was there and I got to meet all the Avengers eeeeee!!! It was so cool and awesome! I was star struck at first but after getting to know everyone in those 3 months they were like my family. They treated me so kindly unlike my family and everyone at school.

I only stayed over there for a few hours at a time but this week Peter promised we would have a sleepover which we haven't done since the 8th grade. I'm not sure why but every time he wanted me to stay the night I panicked. I panicked every time I hung out with Peter. I got sweaty and my breathing would thicken. My stomach turns and my heart does back flips. I think I'm just allergic to Peter.

Narrator's Pov:

Ned pulled himself out of his warm bed and got ready for the day. After taking a shower and doing his hair, he got a tee shirt will a math pun and threw on some jeans. He looks really nice today and Ned wasn't sure why he was trying so hard to look nice just to go over to Peter's to bulid lego's.
Ned's Pov:
I got in my beat up car and drove to the Avengers compound. The computer system already recognizes my plate ID and grated access into the driveway. After parking I make my way to the entrance to already see Peter awaiting with a goofy grin. Wow he looks amazing. My heart just did a backflip agian?!?! What is happening?

"Ned come on everyone is going to start playing Monopoly!"
Peter was practically jumping with energy.
We both walked inside and went into the main room to be meeted by all the Avengers huddled around a small game board.

"Ah the man in the chair and Man of Spiders has arrived."
Thor said in his blasting voice.
Peter and I both giggled and sat by eachother which were the only open sets available. It happened to be the love seat. Which I always thought was a dumb name for a two seater couch but...
Then we all chose our pieces.
Thor chose the boot
Nat chose the cat
Banner chose the wheelbarrow
Steve chose the race car
Clint chose the thimble
Tony of course chose the top hat.
So only the battleship and dog was left.
"Ned do you want the dog or the battleship, you choose I'm ok with ethier." Peter said in his token kind voice. I knew he wanted the dog but he was just trying to be kind.
"I know you want the dog so I'll have the battleship."

"Aw you know me to well."
I can't help but blush at the comment and we both stare at each other for a awhile without noticing the others waiting for us.

Tony clears his throat and gives a smug glare.
"Are we going to stare at eachother or play the game."
We both quickly turned away from each other in embarrassment and I knew I had to be blushing like crazy.

The game continued for 3 hours. It was the longest 3 hours of my life. There was screaming and yelling, money being thrown. Then Thor fipped the table and Tony and Steve were about to kill eachother. Then the game ended with no winner and we all ate icecream and decided to watch a moive.

Peter's Pov:
Monopoly was a disaster but I think Ned had a great time. We both couldn't stop laughing at the others. They're like a bunch of toddlers!

After everyone calmed down we all sat down together to watch a moive. I almost didn't want to sit by Ned since the incident earlier, which I'm not sure what happened but I couldn't look away. Our eyes just locked and it felt like hours went by. So I had to have someone take my seat.

"Hey Mr. Hawkeye sir, you've been sitting on the ground for awhile, do you want my seat?"
I sounded a little more anxious than I wanted to but he just smirked and said,
"And break up you two love birds, I think not."
My face went completely red and I was going to reply but Ned walked in and sat down with popcorn and I didn't want him to know what was just said.
So I sat down as far away as I could in such a small space not to seem to close to Ned.
The others just giggled and started whispering. Gosh they are like teenage girls.
The movie started but I couldn't pay attention. Why would he say that? We're just bestfriends not anything more, do I show signs of liking him? Do they see something I don't?

"Hey do you want some Popcorn."
Ned asked in a calm voice, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Um yeah, sure."
My voice sounds unsure but I think Ned noticed and gives me a worried look. Everyone continues to watch the movie but I notice Nat staring over. I wonder what she's thinking. I decided to forget about and start watching the movie. It's Wall-E which I love but I'm so tired and the moive is so slow at first. My eyes are so heavy and my head starts to wobble around. I lean back and lay head on a pillow that is super warm. The pillow seems to tense up but I still feel sleep taking over.

Ned's Pov:

We're all watching Wall-E and I notice all the Avengers staring at Peter and I.
Then all of a sudden Peter lays his head on my shoulder! Which he is always cuddly but never like this. I tense up but dare not move, I don't want him to think I'm being werid. I'm blushing like a mad man and I know Nat notices but I'm not so sure if the others do. I look down to see that he's now sleeping and I can't help but smile at the sight of him. I quickly stop myself. What are there feelings? Do the others notice? What now?

End of part one

So I know this was super long and will drag out but who cares! Ok I love y'all and hope you're doing well,

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