Sick Day(Fluff)

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Narrator's Pov:

It was 3am in the middle of November pouring down rain right onto Peter Parker. Peter was out patrolling and it was already cold even with the suit warmers. The rain hit his suit like bullets and his body was shaking. He knew the suit would notify Mr. Stark soon due to Peter's dropping temperature so Peter webbed away back to Aunt May's apartment. His body was weak and could barely make it home. Once he made it home he climbed through the window and fell to the floor exhausted.

He was out in the freezing weather for almost two hours. His whole body felt numb and he longed for warmth. Peter quickly took off the soaking wet suit and changed into a plain tee and his hello kitty pj bottoms. He stumbled onto his bed and wrapped himself in blankets and quickly fell asleep.

Peter's pov:

"Peter! Pete wake up!" I jumped up with all the loud noise.

"What! What's going on? Oh Aunt May, hi." She looked at me with her signature worried face.

"Do you feel ok Peter, you're so pale. Let me check your temperature."
May left the room in a hurry and there was a terrible pain in my chest and I started coughing and then I jumped up and ran to the toilet. I leaned over and my gut let loose, I griped to the toilet for balance. I heard Aunt May run into the bathroom.
"OH MY GOD Peter,"she bent down and held my hair back and rubbed my back as I projectile vomit.

"I'm so sorry Aunt May," I manage to get out while stomach acid starts to move up my throat again.

"Peter don't be sorry, you're sick and you need to stay home today, ok."
I nodded while she took my temperature.

"101, that's not good, ok Peter I can't stay home today, are you ok to stay home by yourself?"
I really wanted someone to be here with me but I knew she couldn't take the time off work so I nodded and after I stopped puking my guts out I decided to shower.

After cleaning off I went to over to my bed and laid down and grabbed my phone.

Hey Ned, I'm really sick and I'm not going to be at school today. Sorry, love you! :(

Peter I'll see you in 30 minutes.

You can't come over you might get sick.

I'm not letting you stay at home alone all day sick without me and that's final!

Fine! Thanks love you

Ned's POV:

Like I'm not going to go take care of Peter when he's sick. Once I got the text I drove to the store to get ingredients for soup, Peter's favorite snacks, and a get well soon teddy bear. I paid for my stuff and drove to Peter's. Once I got there I unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen to set down all the groceries. I didn't see Peter anywhere so I assumed he was in his room. I walked over and knocked on the brown door. There was no answer so I opened the door and peaked through to see Peter curled up in some fuzzy blankets. He can be so cute sometimes! I walked over to Peter and he must of heard my footsteps becuase he whispered,

"Hello!?!", in a quiet but anxious voice.

"Peter it's me Ned, I brought some stuff for you if you're up to getting out of bed."
Peter lifted himself up with a blanket wrapped around himself and followed me out of his room and into the living room.
Peter flopped onto the couch and whined, "Ned I'm dying, save me"

"Peter you are so dramatic, you had a building thrown on you, I'm sure you can deal with a cold."
Peter gave me a dirty look and rolled over on his side. I rolled my eyes and started to make the homemade chicken noodle soup for Peter. The soup will take two hours to make but it's only 9 so Peter will be hungry when it's done so it's perfect.

I started prepping the meal until I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head nuzzle into my neck.

"Ned you're so warm, thank you for coming over, I'm freezing and you're a human oven."

I can't help but giggle at his comments and even with Peter on my back I continue cooking until the soup needs to just cook on the stove top.

"Hey Peter do you want to start a moive marathon?"
There was no answer, "Um, Peter"
I try to shake him off until I hear small snoring. Sigh. I slowly move his arms off my waist and turn around to meet a sleeping Peter. I turn back around and pick him up piggyback style and move to the couch. I slowly set him down and I try to leave to go get the thermometer and Peter yawns,
"Don't go, sit with me, plesssse"
I sigh and sat down and Peter moves his way over to me and lays his head into my chest and snuggles around me. I start running my fingers threw his curls and start to slowly fall asleep myself.

Peter's pov:
I never felt so loved. Ned and I have been dating for 6 months now and I never really get to have days for just us. With Spiderman and school, life just gets in the way of us. Ned is so sweet, he got me a cute bear and is making me soup. What did I do to deserve him? After snuggling on his chest he starts to play with my hair which my heart just flutters. I shift my body so I'm looking at the love of my life.

"Ned do you wanna have a Star Wars Marathon?"
Ned just smiles a goofy grin and grabs the remote and we start with the prequels. I can't help but not even pay attention to the movie because I'm to caught up looking into Ned's beautiful eyes.

"Take a picture it will last longer Parker."
My face goes red and I can't help but feel embarrassed.
"Aww are you embarrassed I caught you staring, I can't blame you I'm gorgeous."

We both start giggling and I reach my head up and kiss Ned, which never gets old.

"I love you."

"I love you too"

A/N: Aw Peter is so cute and Ned is such a ray of sunshine! Thank you for all the love and support!!

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