Spiders live in Barbie Houses(Fluff/Humor)

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Peter Parker has had a room at the Avengers compound for about three months, not that he's lives there but sometimes it's nice to have your own space at a home where you're at basically 24/7.

The Avengers have seen the weirdest and strangest things come in and out of the compound due to Peter's "charm" but nothing like what Peter has been doing for the past week. Peter is never sneaky and to be quite honest he's practically an open book but he's been acting werid.

Peter came out of the elevator wearing a large hoodie trying to cover his face, he was walking incredibly fast, desperately trying to get to his room.

"Hey Peter whatcha doing?" Bucky asked sitting on the couch eating ice cream.
"What the heck Bucky, why aren't you with Steeve or something gosh!" Peter froze in his spot and turned slowy to face Bucky and gave a large forced smile.

"Um I'm just tired and wanna go to my room." Peter replied through his teeth robotically, which scared Bucky a little bit.

"Oh ok, well what's in the bag?" Bucky said taking a slow bite of ice cream still remaining eye contact. Peter's eyes went wide and he shoved the large bag behind his back and gulped.

"Umm it's just a sandwich, yeah a sandwich." Bucky would have stopped questioning if he wasn't so interested and then a small chirp came out of the bag. Peter looked like he was about to faint.

"Uhhhhh" Peter just opened the bag and pulled out a small cricket.

"Fine Bucky I'm a Spider and sometimes I want to eat bugs! I usually don't tell anyone but you keep questioning gosh!!!" Peter yelled throwing the bug into his mouth and ran into his room leaving Bucky slightly disgusted and confused. Peter went to his room and quickly locked the door and ran to the corner of his room. That corner had a large barbie house covered in spider webs. He opened each pink side to reveal a small pink bed and there lied a quarter sized fuzzy jumping spider. It was all black with little white spots. It moved its large eyes over to Peter and climbed up into his hand. He spit out the cricket into the bag in disgust and disbelief that he let that touch his mouth.

"Aw hello Gale I brought you some food, I'm not sure how you eat it because it's absolutely disgusting but there ya go!" Peter handed her a little cricket and she grabbed it and ran it to her large web and Peter noticed a small cream colored sac and he took in a large gasp of air.

"Gale who's the father!" Peter yelled petting the small Spider's head, Gale just crawled up to the sack and seemed to smile.

"I'm going to be a grandfather, I have to call Ned he'll be ecstatic!" Peter pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly pressed on Ned's contact.

"Hello, Peter?" Ned asked softly and a little confused.

"Ned you will never believed what happened!!" Peter yelled into the phone jumping up and down in his room.

"You got the limited addition Han Solo Return of the Jedi Action Figure!"

"No even better, We are grandparents!" Peter said quickly while he blushed slightly.

"Gasp! No way Gale had babies!"

"Yes you need to come over right away we need to discuss baby names!" Peter yelled jumping onto his bead.

"On my way, Ok bye love you!" Ned stoped at what he said, yes Ned did love him as a freind but Ned really loved Peter.

"Love you too bye!" Peter called back and hung up throwing down his phone in frustration.

"Why did I say I love you too! He probably ment it like love ya buddy, not I LOVE you ughhhhhhh!" Peter just rolled over and slammed his face into the pillow.

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