Wine Husbands™(Humor)

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It was the official third meeting of the Wine Husbands™, a group dedicated to spilling the tea and venting about their dramatic and reckless Husbands. Every Friday at 12, Bucky and Ned met at the compound in a specialty made, "No Peter or Steve Zone" giving them a soild hour to completely relax. It was a secluded shed-like building in the back of the compound's yard. From the outside it looks like a supply shed, maybe to hold lawn equipment. No one other than Bucky or Ned have been inside, even if anybody tried, it was very secure.

However, Ned suggested letting Natasha in on their secret hideout. She's practically keeping everyone alive and even though she doesn't have a husband, she has to deal with Clint. Bucky agreed that would be enough to drive someone completely insane. So Nat, Bucky, and Ned all are standing on the outside of the shed. Natasha gives a confused stare, wondering why they would bring her to a supply shed.

"Ok you can't tell anyone about what we're about to show you." Ned said unlocking the door with a long passcode. Nat scrunched her eyebrows together, now a little concerned for what Bucky and Ned are hiding. Bucky looked around the yard making sure no one was watching. Ned looked around the trees and rooftops, Peter could be hiding anywhere. Ned opened the door and quickly pulled Natasha into the small room, Bucky followed closely behind.

Nat seemed a little annoyed when seeing that they had dragged her outside to a supply shed full of rusted tools.

"So you wanted show me your lawnmower collection or...." Nat muttered sarcastically kicking some loose metal piece on the floor. Ned just smiled, excited to show off what he created to someone other than Bucky.

"Just hold on doll, the kid's gotta scan his ID." Bucky mocked and Nat looked like she was going to rip Bucky's vocal cords out.

"Who are you calling doll." Nat hissed and Bucky rolled his eyes. Ned scanned his card and the wall made a lit creaking noise, revealing a small door. Natasha's eyes went wide and gripped her knife slightly.

"What the hell are you two hiding?" Natasha asked in a shocked tone. Ned pulled on the handle and the fresh smell of lavender entered the room. Ned just walked through the door, the older two followed. Natasha was completely taken aback by the sight in front of her. The room had two massage chairs with foot soakers attached to the bottom. There was a small couch with blankets and a coffee table with small decorative coasters. A small fridge sat in the corner filled with wine and cheeses. It smelled like lavender and fresh fruit. It looked like a perfect oasis.

"This has been here the whole time!" Natasha gushed, she walked over to a the fridge to see any food that you could think of that would go good with wine.

"Hot towl, maybe some cucumbers for you're eyes." Ned asked holding up a fresh plate of hot towels, Natasha looked like she was in heaven. She kicked off her shoes and sat into the massage chair. She dipped her petite feet into the warm bubbling water sighing in relief.

"So you guys just come here and relax and be super extra about everything." Nat teased and Ned just looked at Bucky wondering if they should tell her the real reason. Bucky just continued to make mimosas, adding little umbrellas to the top of the orange drinks. He walked over to Natasha and Ned, handing them the alcoholic beverages. Ned decided to sit on the couch, letting Bucky take the other massage chair.

"Well to relax yes, but it's actually kinda like a club." Bucky replied pulling up his hair due to the humidity of the room. Natasha just snickered to herself.

"Please don't tell me it's like a snobby wine club because then you two become even bigger dorks." Natasha laughed and Bucky just sipped his drink eyeing Ned to continue explaining.

"Not really, I mean yes but no. Um it's actually something Bucky and I came up with after I married Peter. We're the Wine Husbands and we vent about our stupid mates." Ned smiled softly, it was a little embarrassing really. It did make Bucky and Ned seem like huge dorks. Natasha smirked and shook her head in fake disappointment.

PeterxNed One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें