Sensory Overload

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Peter's Pov:

I uncomfortablely shifted in the booth seat, cringing as the music in the background blares into my ears. Ned and I sat in a new dinner in Queens trying out their famous milkshakes, but the room was cramped with customers. I swear I could hear each conversation, each person jaw's crunching into their food, and even the waitress yelling out orders all in high definition. I knew someone left the bathroom sink on, I could hear each drop of water plopping into the bottom of the small bowl. My ears were throbbing and my eyes blurred with the harsh colors of the room and the bright neon signs.

"Peter are you ok?" I winced at the sudden closeness of his voice, What is happening?

"Yeah, I just have little headache." I moved my hand through my hair and tugged on it slightly to distract myself from my ringing ears. I always got a little headache in the lunchroom at school or anywhere with a ton of noise but not like this. I reached for the cup of water in front of me feeling a sudden wave of heat. My ears rang as the water moved down my throat I could hear each little molecule of water corse through my body. Ned's eyes only wore signs of worry and I myself was afraid, I feel like I'm gonna pass out!

"THAT'S TONY'S STARK'S KID!" A young man screamed causing me to cry out in pain, I immediately brought my hands up to my ears to relieve the pain. He ran over holding out a phone as others crowded around Ned and I.

"PETER WHY DID MR. STARK ADOPT YOU?" A woman yelled out in a high pitch tone, I felt my body start to shake.




Everything sounded like one high pitched screech and I forced my hands closer to my ears desperately trying to stop the noise. Then the flashes started, flash after flash boomed in front of me causing my body to shake violently. I felt tears pouring down my face from the immense pain.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Ned screamed only causing me to dig my nails into my head. Ned rushed over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me into his arms and although being gentle, I screamed in agony feeling my nerves tense up. Even with my screams the crowd only furthered questioning and flashing their cameras, the sounds started to bubble over as blood poured from my ears from the pressure.

My knees felt weak as Ned tried to pull me out of my seat, but my stomach didn't dare let me move, it gargled and burned it's way up my throat. As I spilled out liquids from my stomach, the crowd started to yell in disgust which only caused my ears to bleed at a quicker pace. I could taste the stomach acid on my tongue and it stabbed each taste bud, and the smell only intensified my urge to pass out. I could feel tears plopping onto my skin from Ned's terrified eyes. I knew he was screaming for me to respond, but all I heard was a high pitched ring.

The heat around me was overwhelming, and the darkness I was going to enter was reliving.

Ned's Pov:

Peter lies in front of me vomiting and screaming out in pain, even with my pleds the crowd still surrounds Peter flashing their cameras. The sheer sight of the Peter is horrifying, he's shaking and drenched in sweat, and his screams only get louder.

"Peter, Please Mr. Stark will be here soon, please hold one." I whispered into his ear which made him wince in pain. I was shaking in fear and the crowd didn't seem to care about the safety of Peter.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I yelled through tears still trying to comfort Peter. He was pale and the vomiting slowed down but his body seemed to fall to ground lifelessly.

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