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Ned watches in utter amazement as Peter crawls through the window and onto the ceiling. Peter shoots something at the window that sticks and pulls it shut. The Spider suit dressed teen falls to the ground, barely making a sound.
Peter tiredly turned around with shock as he sees the one and only, Ned Leeds.

Ned slowly let the Lego Death Star slip out of his fingers and gets to his feet in a matter of seconds. The crash of the Legos on the floor sounds like a building was just torn down.
"What did you break now Peter?!" May calls worriedly from the kitchen.

"Ummmm, nothing! Nothing at all!" Peter responds, his voice was shaking and his eyes were going to pop out of his head.
"You're the Spider-Man," Ned breathes out desperately, "f-from YouTube."

"I'm not. I'm not," Peter says, tapping the center of his chest which caused his red and blue suit to immediately fall seamlessly off his body.

"You were on the ceiling," Ned yells pointing upwards frantically.
"No, I wasn't. Ned! What're you doing in my room?" Peter demands, his voice getting higher and more defensive.
Ned frowns and raises his eyebrows up in shock. "Aunt May let me in. You said we were gonna finish the Death Star!"
"You can't just bust into my room!"
Then the door started to creak open. Peter quickly moved back in front of Ned, pushing into his chest. Peter just wore a nervous smile and covered his body, only wearing boxers.
May bounces in giggling with smoke floating around her. She waves it out of her face coughing. "That vegan pizza recipe was a disaster. Let's go to dinner. Italian? Ned, you want Italian?"
"No!" interjects Peter. "We're good, we um have a thing."

"A thing to do, What..." Ned begins to veer off from his confused words staring at Peter who is now basically against him, and he's only in his underwear, and Ned can't breathe, let alone think even a little bit straight. His face is coated with a thick blush as he gives a weak smile.
"Okay," May says, doing that thing where she appears to act like this is normal, but both the boys know she's actually suspicious as hell. Gesturing at the mostly naked Peter, she says: "Maybe put on some clothes." She then lets herself back out and shuts the door behind her.

"Peter she doesn't know?!" Ned whispers even more shocked.

"Nobody knows!" Peter whispers back.
"Well, I mean, Mr. Stark knows, 'cause he made my suit, but that's it!"
Holy shit, Ned thinks.

"Tony Stark made you that?" he asks, gesturing at the suit on the floor. Then the question of all questions comes to him. "Are you an Avenger?"

Peter deliberates, but only for a second.
"Yeah. Basically."
Ned's needs to breathe for a moment. He leans back against the bed, catching himself on the top bunk. Peter comes back over to him, putting their faces only inches apart. Ned forgets how to breathe again.

"You can't tell anybody about this. You gotta keep it a secret," Peter says, his voice pleading and his eyes begging like a puppy.
"A secret? Why?" Ned was still a little confused.
"You know what she's like! If she finds out people are trying to kill me every night, she's not gonna let me do this anymore!" Peter says, gesturing at the door a little disheartened.
Ned stops himself right there. He was about to say, "Well, what if I don't want that for you, either?" It would've ruined everything. Absolutely everything. He blames it on shock. He's usually better at keeping his composure around Peter.

"C'mon, Ned. Please?" Peter begs.

"Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay..." Ned says. "I'll level with you: I don't think I can keep this a secret. This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, Peter!"
"Look, May cannot know. I cannot do that to her right now," Peter is still pleading and sighs.
"You know? I mean, everything that's happened with her... I... Please?"

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