Questions For PeterNed(Fluff/Humor)

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"Hi I'm your Author
! Today were on the otp talk show. Our special guests are Ned and Peter!"

Peter and Ned just waved at the camera and shifted in their seats awkwardly.
"Um how did we get here?" Ned asked confused.
"We don't ask questions, it's fanfiction!"
Peter and Ned just shrugged and went with it.
"Today we are going to be asking to questions on your relationship." The weird young woman said with maniacal laugh.
Peter and Ned looked at eachother with scared looks on their eyes. They both faced super villains that wanted to kill them but this was terrifying.

"What do your parents think of you dating?" The woman said.
"Um well Mr. Stark and the whole Avengers gang really took it well, apparently they were betting on who would confess first." Peter and Ned both laughed.
"And Ned what do your parents think?" The woman said saddly knowing the answer.

"Well my parents are extremely homophobic and they really don't approve but that doesn't matter because the Avengers are basically my family." Ned said with bittersweet emotions. Peter just reached for Ned's hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
"Oh my gosh, eeeeeeeeeee you guys are so cute!" The woman yelled in a high pitched voice. Peter and Ned really were terrified at the obsessive Author.
*cough* "Soooo, Next Question. Who is worse at showing PDA?" The Auther asked giggling.
"Peter without a doubt Peter. He will kiss me out of nowhere and will snuggle any chance he gets." Ned just blurted out.
"He will try to hold my hand no matter what. He's doing it right now." Ned pointed down to Peter and his hands clasped together.
"You love a surprise kiss." Peter just smirked and Ned rolled his eyes.

"Who likes to cook?" The Auther asked imagining Peter trying to cook.
"Well I love to cook but last time I did it I burned the kitchen down just trying to make pancakes so...." Peter said nervously laughing.

"I have a lot of passed down family recipes but that doesn't mean I'm a great cook ethier." Ned just shrugged.

"Who brings home an illegal pet?"

"Peter brought home an Asian Water Moniter and named it Mrs. Kippling because of his love for the Disney show "Jessie". The thing was 7ft long and exhausting to walk." Ned said glaring at Peter.

"In my defense I didn't know they were illegal to have. They are just oversized geckos." Peter said pursuing his lips.

"Um well ok, So Who is more protective?"

"Well when it comes to fighting situations Peter is more protective over me but when people try to insult Peter I will cut them." Ned said looking into the camera with a death glare.

"Who is calm and collective and who is a ball of pure destruction?"

Peter and Ned just looked at eachother and then looked sarcastically at the Auther.

"Do we even need to answer that?"
Peter said recklessly.

"Who's the bigger Nerd?"

"Well we are both huge Nerds but Ned definitely knows a lot more about computer science than I know about engineering." Peter said really not knowing how Ned does all the hacking.

"Who likes Star Wars more?"

"Well to be truly honest I really don't like Star Wars, I'm more of a Star trek guy but Ned absolutely loves it so I just stay supportive!" Peter says so purely. Ned just blushed at how kind Peter could be.

"Who is more difficult to deal with?"

Ned stood up for this one.

"Peter is a piece of work, let me tell you. He is always in trouble or danger or near death. He has no chill and is constantly stealing my hoodies. The man also stays awake till like 3am watching vine. But I love him and couldn't have asked for a better boyfreind.

Now Peter was blushing and laughing.
The Auther was dying at how cute they were being.

"So who figured out you both liked eachother first?"

"Mj said that we were so "obviously" in love that she knew from day one, whenever that was."
Peter said thinking about how supportive she was.

"Who said I love you first?"

"Well I was way to nervous to say I love you. I thought Peter would reject me because of the way I looked. I thought I was out of his league." Ned said saddly.

"Then I told him I loved because he is the most perfect and generous person I've ever met. He's fun to be around and brings constant joy into my life." Peter said and then they both reached in for a quick kiss.

The Auther passed out on the ground out of pure wholesomeness generated from the two.

"Is she ok?" Ned asked out to help she.

"Yeah she's fine, she's just shocked and sad that her favorite ship will never be cannon or have a large shipping community bc we aren't the stereotypical skinny white gay couple."

" Yeah that's pretty true. Let's go home, I've got some Club Penguin games waiting for me." Ned said. They both walked out and hoped that one day their ship would actually be appreciated and people weren't so focused on body types.

💚sorry just had to rant a little at the end. Thank you for all the support💚

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