Homecoming Dance Practice

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"Ned I can't do this,"

"Yes you can dude, stop worrying,"

Ned pleaded before twisting around to push a bright green play button on a cracked iphone. Up-beat bubblegum pop filled the small room, each sparkly note bouncing to Ned's foot tapping against the carpet. Peter groaned while slumping his shoulders dramatically. To Peter's defeat, Ned's smile only widened.

"Look Peter it's easy," Ned moved his arms close to his body and clinched his fists. His arms bobbed up and down to the rhythm as Ned hummed to the song. "Just move your arms up and down and sway your hips a little," Ned wiggled his hips and shook his arms wildly and Peter snorted before cringing.

"Yes because dancing like a drunk jellyfish is so going to amaze Liz." Peter raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, something Ned recognized instantly, Peter Sass.

"It might, she likes you so who knows what other weird things she's into." Ned teased with a shit eating grin. It took Peter a hot second to understand but it soon hit him like a comedic wrecking ball.

"Hey," Peter scoffed and punched Ned's shoulder playfully. Ned stared at Peter's smile and felt his heart flutter. He pushed it deep down and put on a bigger smile, turning around to the phone and turning up the volume.

"Look if you try to learn a few moves then Liz just might think you aren't a total loser." Ned cocked his head and bit the inside of his cheek waiting for Peter's facial expression to change.

"Ugh fine," Peter awkwardly chuckled and Ned clapped his hands together and pulled them to his sides.

"Okay so just follow the rhythm and move along, use all those Just Dance skills you earned in 2014." Ned giggled while jumping around Peter excitedly. Peter crossed his arms over his chest in a pout while Ned kept shaking around to the song. Peter watched Ned freely dance around and make stupid faces, he couldn't hold back a small simile. Peter's foot slowly tapped to the rhythm like he would in band class. Ned noticed the small movement and lit up.

"Ahhh see you do like it! Come on I know you are better than just a foot tap." Ned called out, now spinning and pumping his fists into the air. Peter bit his lip to hold back his smile, he was so stubborn sometimes. Peter unfolded his arms and swayed his arms side to side. Ned rolled his eyes and grabbed Peter's wrists pulling him around the room. Peter's eyes went wide in shock before they softened seeing Ned spinning them around in a rushed circle.

Peter could only see Ned and the rest blurred into a pool of colors flashing around him. Ned was giggling and scream singing, Peter couldn't help but losen up and start jumping around. The notes flowing around them as they popped their shoulders to every beat. Peter waving his head around messing up his oh so perfect hair.

"Hey I just met you," Ned sang out to Peter holding out his hand. Peter quickly clasped onto it and grabbed a nearby pencil cup dumping out the colorful pens and pulling it close to his mouth.

"And this is crazyyyy," Peter screamed into the cup like a microphone.

"But here's my number," Ned took a hypothetical piece of paper and handed it to Peter.

"SO CALL ME MAYBE!" They both made phone shapes with their fingers and held them up to their faces while screaming out to the bubbly tune. The song slowly faded away and they both sighed trying to catch their breath from the fit of giggles they were caught up in. Peter let out a breath and one like little chuckle before seeing that his hands were still clasped around Ned's much larger hand.

He felt heat go through his arm and straight to his cheeks that adored a dark shade of red. Ned also seemed to notice their close proximity and warm touch, his face seemed to also be flushed. "It's because we we're just dancing around, we're just out of breath." They both reasoned in a fit of denial.

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