Nightmares and Daydreams

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Chapter 35

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Word count 5809 words

(Y/n) POV

I held out my fingers and prepared to strike Katara in the chest. My mind went blank as I smiled thinking about how she'd fall down to the ground lifeless.

It would be the perfect revenge, an eye for an eye! Her death would put up for all of the pain and torment and neglect I had to go though! I won't have to play second fiddle to that stupid Waterbender ever again!

That's what overtook my thoughts until I made eye contact with her.


"(Y/n), Sokka come here" dad called us over as we entered our home.

We waddled over towards the two as mom held something close to her.

Sokka was able to hoist himself up onto the bed right away, but I couldn't get myself up.

Dad smiled lifting me onto the bed next to mom, who looked like she'd been crying.

I tilted my head looking at the thing she was holding, before mom and dad looked to each other, then to us.

I looked to Sokka who gave me a confused look as well. Then dad then interrupted our daze, "(Y/n), Sokka. We'd like you to meet someone"

Mother smiled moving the blanket slightly, revealing a little baby with a small amount of brown hair.

My eyes widened looking at the creature, what?

I looked to them confused as Sokka gasped, "Do I have a brother?!"

They began to chuckle, "No I'm sorry Sokka, but you now have a little sister" dad smiled.

"Meet your new little sister, Katara" mother gestured us to come closer.

Sokka crossed his arms and began to pout, "I wanted a brother"

Dad gave him a pat on the back, "Now Sokka be nice. Think of it like having another person you can protect" he told him.

Sokka smirked, "I guess you're right"

Mom then looked to me, "(Y/n)?"

I looked at her blankly, I didn't know how to feel.

She smiled as dad picked me up again and had me sit next to mom, "Would you like to hold her?" Mom asked me.

I didn't really know what to say, so I just nodded. She did as well, "Ok now hold out your arms and remember, babies are fragile"

I nodded doing as instructed before a little thing was placed in my grasp. Dad fixed my hands and I was at first unsure what to do.

I then felt the baby squirm before it opened it's little eyes making me gasp.

She had the same little blue eyes as I did. I could of just stared into them for hours, they were so innocent. She was so new. 

I then looked back up to mom and dad, "What did you say her name was again?" I smiled.

"Katara. It means water droplet" dad told me.

I grinned looking back at my new little sister, "Katara... I like it"


I gasped snapping back into reality, realizing what I was about to do.

I tried to stop the strike, but I was already to far to stop. I gasped pointing it down last second, saving her.

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