(Y/n) Alone

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Chapter 18

Sorry I can't find the og artist

(Feel free time comment)

(Wait what? An original episode about (Y/n)'s past? Who am I?)

Word count 4613 words

(Y/n) POV

I tended to the fire as Toph sat across from me looking bored as ever.

Everyone else fell asleep about an hour ago and I was on first watch.

"So like what's the deal with you Smarty pants?" Toph asked me making me zone back into reality.


"Why are you so tense all the time? I can feel it in your heartbeat. You seem scared, like all the time" she told me.

"Uhhh, I'm not scared. I'm pretty mellow if you ask me" I lied.

"I can tell you're lying"

"What? How!" I loudly whispered.

"Your heartbeat. I can feel the vibrations in your heart. It's spiking" she explained.

"Oh..." this is gonna be hard.

"So tell me. Why are you so tense Fire Queen?"

"What's with the nicknames?" I raised a brow.

"What's with the secrets?"

"Oh so that's how it's gonna be" I smirked.

"Yup. Now spill"

I sighed, "You really wanna know my life's story?"

She nodded, "Yup. I already know the other three's, but then again their's are like an open book. Sugar queen's life revolves around your dead mom, twinkle toes the Avatar and Sokka's, Sokka," she shrugged. "You are different. I have no clue who you are, or what you stand for. Everything about you is like a sealed bottle. So open it. Open the past of (Y/n)" she explained.

I sighed, "Ok fine. To make this work we need to start at the beginning"

"Enough stalling, get on with it"

"Spirits alright!"


"Come on (Y/n)! If you're not fast enough the sea-lions will get you!" Sokka told me as we ran around the village.

"Ha! Good luck to them! You can't catch me, I'm the Southern Water Tribe Princess!" I yelled throwing a snow ball at him hitting him square in the nose making him fall over.

I heard a swarm of chuckling, looking over to see the council laughing at us, "Great throw (Y/n)!"

"Thanks!" I smiled before running over towards my little brother.

"(Y/n) make sure you're carful, I'd hate to see someone get hurt!" I heard my mom yell to me.

"I won't!"

My dad chuckled, "Kya stop worrying. Our little Chief can protect herself" my dad put an arm on her shoulder.

She sighed, "I know. I'm worried for her brother"

I snickered at them before running after Sokka. 'Where are you?' I thought going behind multiple igloos searching for him.

After about ten minutes of continuous searching I slunk against the back of one of the igloos and looked up at the sky seeing the daylight fading.

I felt a shiver down my spine as the sun began to lower. I started to rub my hands together to try and create some heat before I felt a shock run down me.

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