The Awakening

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Chapter 30

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Word count 7737 words

(Y/n) POV

The earth began to violently shakes and another surge of ash and rock shoot from the crater, and the Avatar and I  turned to run.

"Don't breathe the toxic gas" Roku warned me.

Then, a jet of toxic gas shoots up directly next to me. Roku quickly airbended it away saving me.

Suddenly gas erupted directly into Roku's face, causing him to be disoriented.

Roku fell to the ground before putting his hand up trying to grab mine, "It's too much"

I stared at him unsure of what to do, "Please!" He begged me.

I looked below him with nothing but anger and rage clanking my vision, "Without you, all my plans are suddenly possible. I have a vision for the future, Roku"

I then felt the entire world shake around me before a bright light came from Ruko making me clench my eyes shut.

After a moment I opened them again and gasped seeing how the body of Aang replaced Roku's.

"Aang!" I screamed running to his side. I slid to the dirt floor and elevated his head and held him tight.

"(Y/-Y/n)?" He struggled to speak.

"I'm here. I'm here" I held him even tighter.

"Wh-what happened?" He croaked.

"It's ok. It's ok. I'm here," I reassured him. "You're gonna be ok" I began to tear up.

He smiled before I watched the light literally drain from his eyes.

I couldn't help myself and began to scream his name as I cried. I held him even closer as I the limp body rested in my hold.

"Well done (Y/n)"

I stopped screaming as I opened my eyes to see where that voice came from.

There was no one around.

"Who's there?" I sniffled, "Show yourself!"

"Why would I do that?" The voice chuckled.

I glared as I snapped my head around the volcanic area, "You did this didn't you?"

It chuckled, "Do what?"

"Don't patronize me! You did all of this didn't you? You killed him!"

"Kill who (Y/n)? Because if you are talking about the Avatar you're clutching... I did in a way"

"What's that's supposed to mean?"

"(Y/n) stop trying to act all innocent. You and I both know what you did, and soon the whole world will"

"I didn't... I-" I stopped myself and bit my lip as I started to cry again.

I could sense he was enjoying this by the sly tone from his voice, "Cry all you need to (Y/n), because soon you will realize this is the exact push I-you needed"

"What's that's supposedly mean?!" I spat wiping my tears away as they still poured out.

"In time I will tell you... but for now..."

I gasped as a face all of a sudden appeared in front of me. The moment I saw his golden eyes I knew he was from Zuko's family.

"Am I familiar?" He smirked.

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