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(this is what happened when I tried to see yukino's questions LMAO what have u guys done)





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[ Hey! You look really cute when you be yourself (be cute) why do you act that way only in front of jimin and not the others? ]

taehyung: it's not like I can't act like that when I'm around the others, but I do so in more of a platonic way. with jimin though, I just feel like I should show him more affection. especially with how he's never blamed me for anything before.

taehyung: I guess he kinda just.... draws it out of me? he's adorable and I don't mind being extra affectionate or cuddly around him

edutaetion: hOW sWeEt *claps excessively*

[ When are you gonna fucck jimin then? ]

taehyung: i-

hoseok: OOOoOOOOhHh things have gotten sPiCy

taehyung: i never thought of actually fucking jimin... I mean, he did just come out of high school, and I never want to propose something that would make him feel forced, or that our relationship is going too fast.

taehyung: but his ass though....

yoongi: is the baby finally growing up and realising he has manly needs?

taehyung: fuck you, hyung

yoongi: nah

yoongi: your dick is too small anyways

hoseok + edutaetion: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN

taehyung: well you have small hands, hyung

taehyung: you know what they say about small hands-

yoongi: fuck off you sack of shit

[ When are we having the smut? ]


taehyung: NO


yoongi: give the thirsty hoes what they want

edutaetion: hey lets have a discord and study about bibles and any holy thing

taehyung: can I answer my questio-

edutaetion: no because your answer is going to disappoint my readers

[ taetae when will you like adopt that little girl and make jimin a mom😳😳😁]

taehyung: you mean avery?

taehyung: well, after things in court with yuki settle, i'd definitely want to take her in!

yoongi: you're too kind

taehyung: thank you hyung

yoongi: that's wasn't a compliment

taehyung: wha-

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[ Jiminieeeeeeeee when did you exactly fall for tae? ]

jimin: um, I guess when I saw him go back in the library to save avery? I wouldn't say my feelings were 100% there, but I felt a small spark back then!

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