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Narrator's POV

the afternoon now went into the late evening, and both boys were having too much fun to even notice the date should've ended by now.

it wasn't until they left the doors of the arcade to notice the sun was just above the horizon, the moon finally peaking out as the city lights were now on.

"i won that golf game whether you like it or not." taehyung boasted with his usual cocky smirk. he looked down at jimin to notice the younger scoffed.

"you didn't! it was because of that little kid who kept picking up my golf ball and throwing it somewhere else! other than that you would've lost!" jimin said in defense, pouting cutely as taehyung's velvety laugh filled the air.

taehyung really liked the older. he seemed pretty let loose and funny out of school, and is actually extremely competitive. he also found out that jimin was surprisingly an introvert, and socially awkward.

but doesn't everyone act different out of school?

taehyung wasn't the rude and ignorant fuck boy he was in school, and was pretty chill and a tad giddy out of school.

and that surprised him.

he didn't even act this way with hoseok or yoongi.

"hey I heard there was a new ice cream parlor nearby," jimin spoke as he looked back to taehyung. "do you wanna try it?"

"hm, sure." taehyung shrugged as he said that.

"actually," jimin grew a coy smile on his face. "to make this more interesting, how about we race to the parlor? loser has to pay!" the older proposed.

taehyung couldn't help but smirk once again. "fine by me."

little did jimin know the younger actually was a part of the school's track and field team, and is the second fastest runner there.

the two boys looked ahead to make sure the sidewalk was empty so they could run and not crash into anyone. luckily no one was in sight at this time.

jimin and taehyung got into running positions, both ready as taehyung did the countdown.

"on your marks, get set.....GO!!!" taehyung said quickly as he sprinted down the sidewalk, thinking he fooled jimin but was surprised when the brown haired boy trailed him by a few inches.

jimin was able to get beside taehyung, looking up to the younger who cracked a smirk and picked up his speed.

jimin let his cocky side get the best of him as he let all hell break loose, sprinting ahead of taehyung with ease as the younger gasped.

"HEY I DIDN'T AGREE TO RUN WITH USAIN BOLT!!!" taehyung yelled as the smaller boy cackled like a mad man as he was far ahead from taehyung.

the two made it to the ice cream parlor, jimin already there laying on the ground like a starfish, his chest rising and falling with the deep breaths he took.

taehyung placed his hands on his knees, sweat dripping down his forehead as he let a chuckle escape his lips. "you.....you can actually run......" he smirked. "turns out your short height is actually useful."

jimin raised his hand and stuck out his pink finger at him. "s-screw.......you." he huffed.

"you stuck up the wrong finger." taehyung said as he stuck up the correct finger. "you're suppose to stick up this one."

"i don't swear."

"actually is doesn't count as swearing unless you say the actual word."

"my mom wouldn't like that." jimin's tone dropped a bit.

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