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Taehyung's POV

right after the doctor closed the door, i sighed and sat down on the bed, looking up towards the ceiling as jimin glanced at me, concerned.

"taehyung, are you okay?" jimin asked but I just shook my head, sighing as a looked down at my hands.

now that I notice it, the tiles from before scratched them up pretty good, not to point where it was bleeding, but just about. "I'm.....I'm sorry, jimin."

confused as to why I suddenly apologized, jimin tilted his head to the side. "apologize for what, tae?"

"for getting you involved with my life problems." I elaborated further, my frustrations finally surfacing again as I realised everything we just went through. "i nearly got both of us killed because of my actions, and now that your name is brought up into this, you're a target as well. maybe it would be best if i left you alone."

jimin shook his head. "nope. whether you knew me or not, something was bound to happen," jimin went to kneel down in front of me so he could look at my face. "you can't change what's been done, but you can always know that I'll have your back."

i avoided his gaze, my fists clenching despite the pain that I felt. "you have a family of friends who care about you and love you, you're alive to live another day, and most of all you have a heart, taehyung. not many people would go back into a building just for a small girl like avery."

"but......i just.....i can't anymore, jimin..." I closed my eyes, reality hitting me hard as jimin listened to me. "why can't this all be over? why can't I just have a normal life like everyone else? I'm not having a pity party, but....it's just hard sometimes...knowing that you always have to look behind your back when you go somewhere, or worry about your friend's safety because you have people like suki who just wants to ruin your life." without even noticing it, my vision became blurry, my bottom lip grazing past my teeth as I bit down.

jimin took this chance and got up, taking a seat right beside me as he brought my head to his shoulder, my bangs hiding my eyes as jimin brought me into a side hug.

"don't be afraid to feel vulnerable, taehyung. it's okay to cry sometimes." jimin said as I finally let one tear escape my eyes, and that one led to another, and before I knew it, I was full on crying, not just from today, but through all the years I held back my tears, now finally letting out everything I kept in one go.

we just stayed like that, jimin holding me as i broke for a minute, finding comfort in his arms as he hummed a small tune to sooth me, which was working as I closed my eyes and sighed.

over-thinking things has always been one of my weaknesses as much as I may not look like someone to do so, but it is. yoongi hyung always said the best way with coping with it is to just move with the moment, going with whatever comes next instead of dwelling in the present. and that did work for a few years, but there were always moments when i would just think. just being alone with my thoughts which would take me into a really dark place.

maybe that's why some people are so optimistic; they never really tend to over-think situations and just flow with wherever the currant takes them. or they always think of the brightside and see no negativity at all. I'm not a pessimist, but I am sure as hell not an optimist. bottling things up instead of expressing my emotions maybe is one of my flaws that I need to fix. maybe that will make me feel and treat myself a whole lot better.

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