Another Goodbye

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Director: In 3...2...1... ACTION!


Austin stands on the stage at Young Stars competition and gets ready to perform with his group. The beat plays and he starts to sing when he noticed Adrienne in the crowd- leaving. That's when he stops the performance and calls her name out. This makes her run faster. Austin jumps off the stage and runs to Adrienne.

Austin: Adrienne, stop. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that!

Adrienne ignores him.

Austin: You don't believe me? Aright, fine. Imma prove it to you.

Austin steps back, and then speaks loudly into the mic.

Austin: Adrienne, I love you. If theirs anyone in the entire world that denies that, then I'm here to correct them. I've never been any more sure about anything in my life. I love you, and I want you to be with me. So, please, Adrienne, do you forgive me?

Adrienne's face when from a scowl to blank. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around Austin and kissed him. They stood in the middle of the crowd, liplocked. The crowd burst into cheers and everything seemed happy. The camera spun around the happy couple until it faded to black.


Director: Aaaaaaand... cut! Perfect!! Congratulations! We have finished filming KING OF QUEENS !!! WHOOOO!!

The entire set burst into cheers. Inside, I was breaking down. I knew what this meant. I looked across the set to see where Sahana was. It took me a while to find her, but when I did, she was was Prod, talking. I was a little confused but I decided not to get involved. In less than an hour, we weren't going to be part of any of this drama anymore.

I went over to the snack table to get a drink of water. As I grabbed a cup, I felt someone come up behind me. I whipped my head around to see who it was. Ray.

Ray: Hey, Lex, you okay?

Me: Uh.. yeah. Why wouldn't it be?

Ray: Well, I mean, I heard you and Prince had a hard break-up.

I nodded and sipped down my water.

Ray: That kinda sucks, cause Prince had some serious feelings for you, that's for sure.

I gulped down more water.

Ray: He'd be talking about you and thinking about you 24/7. That boy.. he was crazy about you. Sorta like how Roc was.

I gulped down some more water.

Ray: I really think-

Me: Shit.

No more water.

I turned to pour some more water, when Ray started to continue. I dropped the cup.

Me: You know what? Ray, let's just forget all this, okay? I'm sorry for all this drama between you and the boys i'd been causing. But thanks for being an .. AMAZING friend through all of it. You stay true to your friends. Sometimes I wonder if you're the only real one.. Anyways, thanks.

And with that, I walked away. I spent half an hour in my dressing room, looking at my things. A picture of Princeton sat on my mirror. I remember staring at that picture to give me motivation and bring my mood up. Now all it does was motivate me to leave. I took a pair of scissors and cut the picture up, leaving it in a pile on the desk. Satisfied, I picked my favorite lipglosses from inside the desk, stuffed them in my tote bag, and walked out, not looking back.

I was about ready to leave, but I was waiting for Sahana. I needed no goodbyes. Just a simple, drama-free exit. Sahana wasn't in my sight, so I texted her a few times. It wasn't until I hit send that I saw her in her dressing room, through the window. She sat on Prod's lap, lips pressed against his. I couldn't help but feel really betrayed. I wonder how Leah must've felt..

I began to wonder where that bitch was when I decided that she probably escaped because of all the drama too. She's pretty smart.

I saw Sahana glance up and move away for a second. Prod pressed his lips together and looked out the window, catching my glance. I narrowed my eyes at him, and at the blink of an eye, I was gone. No waiting for Sahana, she obviously didn't mind the drama. Unfortunately, I wasn't for the "forgive and forget" policy. I ran. Ran far past the set. Far past the area. Far into the trees where nobody would find me. Soon, I reached a wide, open plain with a beautiful stream going through it. This was my place. Nobody knew about it. But soon, I would leave it as well.

A big jet came and hovered over the ground. A ladder extended down and I climbed on. Once I was inside, the doors were closed and I was being taken away. Far away from all this insanity and mayhem. Far from the fake "I Love You's" and fantasy boyfriends. Far from the movie sets and evil co-actresses. Far from the romancers and cheaters. Far from the scripts. Far from the interviews. Far from the lies. Far from my friends. Far from Roc Royal. Far from Princeton.

And far from Mindless Behavior..


That's it! End of Book 2 :(

Thanks for everyone who read ! Please continue to fan, comment, vote, and read my books !! I love you to death ! Obviously, none of this would be here if it wasn't for you guys !! I lovee you !! <3

I probably won't be posting the 3rd book soon because I'll be focusing on "Center Of The World" and/or "Dysfunctional". Be sure to check those stories out !

1-4-3 ! Stay Mindless !

Lies, Mindless, ACTION! *sequel to Its No Secret Im MINDLESS*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora