On-Screen Couple

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Before we get back into the story, I have one more thing to say before I forget. I've recently been checking out my fan's stories and this one story got me HOOKED!  "Youngg, Wildd && Mindless!" by aulbo_9685. Aulbani is one of my amazing fans and she def deserves some more amazing fans cause this girl's got a great story in for ya, so check it out!
Kay leggo..

The huge rush of paparazzi was too much to notice anything. It was all too fast. Basically, the Security Crew sent us to our dressing rooms and locked it down, and the other half of the Security tried to get the paparazzi out. Well, these days, paparazzi have been getting super serious and making plans before they go in. Its insane! When it got too much to handle, Keisha and the Director allowed them to speak to Princeton a few at a time. I saw Princeton come out of his dressing room looking completely unfazed and stunning everyone with his smile. I looked through my window in the dressing room. The voices were distant but still clear.
Paparazzi1: Princeton, what role do you play in the movie?
Prince: Actually, I play the lead role. Austin. The King of Queens.
Paparazzi2: Who was that girl you were just standing over there with?
Prince: Ah, that is one of our amazing actresses on the movie set-
Keisha: Skyler Betts.

"WHAT?!?" was all I could think. "What was Keisha doing??"

Paparazzi3: Are you and Miss Skyler dating?
Director: Just about the cutest couple ever!
Paparazzi2: May we see Miss Skyler?
Keisha: Not right now, you've already wasted much of our filming time which delays the Red Carpet Premiere Ball. Wouldn't want that, now, would we?
Paparazzi1: No, no. So, I think we got enough information for now. Thank you. Let's go guys.

Security made sure every single little sleaze was out before we were allowed to come out of the dressing rooms. Right after, everyone crowded around the Director and Keisha. All the actors and actresses saw what they said and did and everyone was curious about it.

Prince: What the heck was up with that?
Me: Yeah, why'd you say I was Skyler?
Ray: And what do you mean the "Red Carpet Premiere Ball"? We just started filming!
Keisha: Settle down everyone, to be in a part of a movie means you have to think about other things like publicity and what the fans want. Now, I'm going to tell you what the deal is but I want NO INTERRUPTIONS and NO TALKING BACK. Got it?
All but Keisha&Director: Yes, Ma'am.

Keisha: Ok, now, Princeton and Skyler. You two play the lovely on-screen couple known as Austin and Adrienne, correct?
Prince&Skyler: Yeahh..?
Keisha: Ok, lets think of the past hit movies..Uhmm.. Twilight.
Keisha: RayRay!
Ray: Sorry..
Keisha: Anyways, the on-screen couple in Twilight was Bella and Edward played by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. In real life, Kristen and Robert were a happy couple, and the fans just LOVED that! Uh.. High School Musical. It was a HUGE hit for at least a few years and the on-screen couple was Troy and Gabriella. Real life, it was Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. The Last Song. On- screen was Will and Ronnie. Real life was Miley and Liam. You guys getting my point here?
Skyler: So you want me and Princeton to be a celebrity couple?
Keisha: EXACTLY!
I looked over to Princeton and he looks back at me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.
Prince: But what about Lexi and I?
Everyone looks from us and back to Keisha.
Keisha: Oohhh.. Yeah, that's gonna be kind of a problem..
Prince: How is it a problem?! Lexi's in the movie too!
Director: Yes, but she isn't your on-screen girlfriend.
Keisha: Were you keeping up with all this, Prince?
Prince: Yes, and I think it's stupid!
Keisha: Well, as stupid as it is, it's also your only choice. Its that or, not just your career, but all of Mindless Behavior's career, and everyone else in this movie's career, is on the line. So, I suggest you get over this selfishness and just go out with Skyler.
Director: You don't even really have to date, you just have to let the press think you are.
Prince: *sigh* And how do I do that?
Keisha: By, first, showing off your new girl to the press at the Red Carpet Premiere Ball.
Prince: But Lexi was supposed to be my date to that-
Me: Prince, just chill out. Its ok, you can just take Skyler. I can go with my bros over here. *gives Ray and Prod dap and stands by them* Its all cool.
Prince: ..... Aight. Fine.
Keisha: Good. Now, to answer your question, RayRay. The Red Carpet Premiere Ball is just the party that lets everyone get a little inside scoop on what the movie is gonna be about and stuff. Ya know, so they have something to get excited about. Its fun. Its also the time where the press can see the characters and stuff. Don't worry, you guys will enjoy it. Anymore questions?

Nobody said anything.

Director: Alright, then, back to work!
I looked over to Princeton who looked at me with sorry eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile, and then we headed back to work.

Lies, Mindless, ACTION! *sequel to Its No Secret Im MINDLESS*Where stories live. Discover now