Betrayal; The Worst Type Of Rejection

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Prod: Shah, what is wrong ?! 
Sahana: Just get out of my face..

Sahana picked up the popcorn bowl and walked over to put it in the kitchen. A moment ago, she was watching a movie with Saph. Saph got up to take a shower, leaving Sahana alone. Until Prod walked in the house. 

Prod: Baby, I just wanna know what's wrong. Why are you mad at me?
Sahana stopped.

Sahana: Oh, so since Lexi's a little occupied tonight, you're gonna go back to me?!
Prod's jaw dropped.

Prod: Lexi ?!? Why are you even mentioning her name in this?!?
Sahana: Don't play dumb with me. I'm not stupid. 

A tear slipped down her cheek. 

Sahana: You didn't think I would find out?

Prod stood so close to Sahana he could feel her breath on his face. He put both his hands on her cheek and put his forehead to hers. 

Prod: Sahana, you know that I would NEVER be with any other girl but you. I love YOU. That's it.
Sahana: So explain why Diggy found you kissing Lexi?

Prod stayed silent. Sahana immediately started choking up. 

She swiftly raised her hand and slapped Prod right across the face. No one saw it coming. The sound was so loud, it scared Saph in the shower. 

Saph: *still in the shower* IS EVERYTHING OKAY?!? SAHANA?!?

Sahana looked at Prod who stood bent over, hand on his cheek. Startled. 
Sahana: *speaking to Saph* *sniffles* Yeah.. everything's perfectly fine. 

She looked Prod in the eye. She was no longer the only one with watery eyes. 

Sahana: Get out. 
Prod: Sahana,-
Sahana: GET OUT!! I never wanna see your face again!

 Prod walked over to the door and opened his mouth to speak again, only to be interuppted by Sahana. 
Sahana: Get. Out.

He opened the door, and walked away, closing the door behind him. 

Sahana stood there for a minute until everything fell onto her. She'd just lost him. At this point, she'd jumped back on the couch and BURSTED into tears. 
Saph got out of the shower, wet hair and pajamas and rushed to give Sahana a hug.

Saph: Oh my godd, what happened?
Sahana: *sniffles* h-h-he cheated on meee, Saph!

Saph gasped and held Sahana close. But she knew something didn't seem right about this picture.. something was definetly wrong..

Roc walked in the house and saw Princeton already about to get into bed. He looked tired and, frankly, kind of upset. 

Roc: Prince! Y'ok?

Prince turned to look at Roc, but he didn't reply. He just nodded.  Roc didn't know what to say. He could tell him everything he knew, but that would just make things much, much worse than they already are. He could only think of one thing he could say.

Roc: Princeton, Lexi is a really great girl. Don't lose her on something stupid. Be very careful. You wouldn't wanna lose a diamond for a rock, y'know what I'm sayin'?

Once again, Prince just nodded, but he seemed to be really listening. 

Roc: G'night Prince. 

He thought he'd heard Prince reply a "goodnight", but it  wasn't clear enough to be sure. He just accepted that and walked into his room to get some sleep. 


Lexi walked into the house almost stealth-like. It was unintentional, but she was really, very quiet. The first thing she saw was Sahana and Saph, sitting on the couch. Sahana crying her eyes out. Her face was paler than usual and her eyes red. Saph sat next to her, with her arms around her. 

Lexi: What happened...?
Saph: Lex-
Saph: Sahana-
Lexi: Sahana, what's going on?

Sahana got up off the couch and walked over to Lexi. She stood approxiamately 5 feet away from Lexi. 

Sahana: You just couldn't be happy with one could you? Y'know, I should've seen this coming.. 

Sahana giggled to herself. 

Sahana: You just treat 'em like old shoes, huh? They look amazing at first so you take whatever you want...

Lexi raised an eyebrow at her. She was utterly confused. 

Sahana: and when they get old... you just toss 'em out and get new ones. Even if the newer ones have to be stolen. 

Lexi: Sahana..-

Sahana: Spencer... Roc... Prince... 

Sahana started choking up. 

Sahana: ...Prodigy.. 

She took a breath. 

Sahana: You're just the perfect little hoe, aren't you. 

Lexi: Sahana, what are you trying to say?!?

Sahana: Stop playing dumb! I know about your games, ok?! You've been getting with Prodigy while we are- ehm.. were.. together! 

Lexi: That's RIDICULUS-

Sahana: DON'T LIE TO MY FACE !!! 

Sahana was screaming at the top of her throat and crying so hard she could barely breathe. 

Lexi went up to her and put her hand on Sahana's shoulder. 


Lexi: Sahana, I didn't get with Prodigy, I swear to you!

Sahana's anger really kicked in now. She yanked Lexi's hair until her head almost started bleeding. Saph got up and tried to stop the fighting, but Sahana was going insane. They didn't even notice Leah come from downstairs. 

Leah: What the hell is going on?!?

Saph: LEAH! HELP!!

 Leah held back Sahana while Saph helped Lexi.

Leah: Whoa, what is going on ?!?

Sahana: Why don't you ask the cheating hoe right there? *looks at Lexi*

Lexi: She thinks I was getting with Prod while they were dating. 

Leah's heart dropped. She suddenly felt really hot. 

Saph: How do you know that?
Sahana: Diggy told me he saw you guys kissing backstage!!
Leah: *whispering to herself* Oh my godd...


Leah and Prod went backstage after their scene. 
Leah: You did really good.
Prod: Thanks, so did you. 
Leah: Thanks...

Somewhere in the awkward silence of it, Leah leaned over and started kissing him. It was really random and out of nowhere. Neither of them pulled away though... until it was too late. They felt someone watching, so when they moved to look, they saw  their new guest co-star standing there, watching them. He looked very suspicious, so they stood there awkwardly. 

Leah: Uhmm.. well, I guess i'll see you later then...
Prod: Ehm, yeah. 


Saph: Le, what's wrong. 

Leah let go of Sahana and started to walk away. Sahana instantely went over to Lexi and pressed her hand right around her neck, choking her. She pushed her hand so hard, Lexi AND Saph fell back and felt themselves pressed up against the wall. Saph couldn't move fast enough, so she was trapped behind a choking Lexi. 
Lexi couldn't say anything, but her face was paling. She was losing her breath and was dying by the second. 

Leah: SAHANA STOP ! IT WASN'T LEXI! It was me. 

Sahana dropped her hand. Lexi took a deep breath and started regaining her breath. Saph's body wasn't pressed up against the wall anymore. 

Sahana: What?
Leah: I was the one.. with Prod.. while you guys were dating.. 
Sahana: But.. but you..
Leah: I was the one that Diggy saw kissing Prod backstage... and that Dave saw kissing Prod during the duet practices... and that was kissing him on the bench that one summer night... That was all me. 

Sahana didn't say a word. She just looked away from Leah's eyes immediately. Leah walked up to her.

Leah: Shah, I'm sor-
Sahana: Just get the fuck away from me. And never speak to me again. 

Sahana marched up to her room and slammed the door shut. 


Whooo !! That's one heated scene !! FINALLY Sahana finds out about Leah & Prod ! Finally.. but kinda sad :'( 
Poor Sahana.. she loved Prod a LOT if she really choked Lexi like that.. goddam ... 

Well, if you guys manage to reach the goal tonight (i kinda doubt it :/.. my fans don't really try much.. no offense, but yeah :( ) imma post another chapter tonight(: 
Might wanna hurry cause I got some GENIOUS ideas and im in a really typey mood .. lls
Anywhoress .. 

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