Got The Girl(s)

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Skyler giggled.

Skyler: Ahahaa, you're so funny!
Princeton just shrugged.

Prince: Well, I have my moments.

Skyler: *raises an eyebrow* Oh do you?

Prince: *nods* yep. Some of which include my ability to TICKLE!

And before she could comprehend what he'd said, Princeton was already on Skyler, tickling her to death. She fell out of her seat and onto the floor. Prince had a good hold on her, but she suddenly snuck out of her reach and somehow, she reversed the action, so SHE was the one tickling him. Princeton was laughing so hard, he couldn't breathe. Then, again, somehow, the actions were reversed and he was back in control. Then, they heard the doorknob turn. The room got dead silent.

Prince: *whispering* shh.. someone's at the door.

They stared at the doorknob turn, when they decided to quickly hide.

Nobody knew Princeton invited Skyler over to their house again, and there weren't that many hiding places in his room. Well, other than the closet..

Skyler: *whispering* let's go in here!
and she went into the closet, Princeton following close behind, and they closed the door behind them.

They got in and sat awkwardly staring. Then a sudden burst of laugher came out of the two of them.

Prince: *laughing* this is fun.

Skyler: Yeah..

an awkward silence broke out for a while.

Skyler: ... you know, before I met you, I didnt have this much fun in .. a while. The show biz can really mess up your life..

Prince: I know what you mean...

Skyler: You do?

Prince: Yeah.. Last summer, the guys and I finally got a break from the fame and the spotlight and got a house in this small town, so we could go back to being.. just us, ya know? It was REALLY nice. We made a lot of friends, and the guys got to see, and get, their girlfriends.. it was cool.

Skyler: Did you?

Prince: Did I what?

Skyler: Get to see your girlfriend?

Prince: Yeah, but not until much much later. Around the beginning of October, actually.

Skyler: Oh, and she's your girlfriend, this chick?

Prince: Well, Im hoping she might be sometime. Maybe after I take her out to a few more dates and see how it goes. The past few have been going great in my perspective. Do you think she'd say yes?

They didn't notice but they'd been leaning closer and closer with each sentence. Now they could feel each other's breath on their lips.

Skyler: I don't know, you just need to ask her to find out..

Prince: Then, what do you say. Would you like to do this again?

His lips brushed against hers as he spoke.

Skyler: Maybe.

And she placed her lips on his. He pressed his lips hard on hers, and he held his hands at her waist. Skyler's hands were wrapped around Princeton's shoulders and her fingers twirled around a curl. His tongue roamed around searching for the right spot and they continued letting their bodies do the thinking....


My trip to LA was delayed until two weeks later, so I had to wait two more weeks to get my journal. It was annoying but the time finally went by. When my flight reached LA, Jared's friend was there to pick me up. I'd texted Princeton to let him know I was coming to give him his journal and take my own back and he gave me their address, so I told the driver the address, and we were on our way.

Lies, Mindless, ACTION! *sequel to Its No Secret Im MINDLESS*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя