Lexi In LA

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The next day, I made sure Chelsea was fast asleep before I left the house with the specialists.

Specialists: Have fun Lexi.

Me: Thanks.

And I shut the door behind me. Sahana and Leah were there to say bye and wish me luck.

 Leah: Have an awesome time, kay? And tell the guys I said hey.

Sahana: Yeah. Be the best Ashley you can be and remember to enjoy your time with your boyfriend. You're not gonna be with him forever, so just avoid the drama and have fun.

Leah: The camera's gonna love you.

Sahana: Sure is, so have fun, okay. And give Prod the box, ok?

Me: Promise. Love you guys.

Le and Sahana hugged me.

Sahana: We love you, too.

And I boarded on the plane.


Princeton was on stage rehearsing the fight scene over and over again. It was outdoors, and it was HOT! He had to jump over two cars, and dodge six bullets. WHILE punching and beating up three men.

It was hard on him, but he managed. "Jump, jump, duck, jump, duck, punch, duck, punch, duck, left, duck, right." he thought. Princeton kept that beat in his head and quickly, he mastered the scene.

Director: Marvelous. Just Marvelous. Keisha, I think you have a prodigy actor here.

Keisha: Yes, Princeton is very talented.

Director: Exceptionally talented. This boy is going to make Mindless Behavior the biggest thing since Michael Jackson.

Keisha: I sure hope so.

Director: Once this movie comes out, we'll see. But it should come out earlier than expected at his fast learning pace.

Keisha: Great.


The jet had me land right on set and I went over to Princeton to surprise him. He was getting some water from the cooler, and he was turned away from me. I quietly snuck up on him and gave him an attack hug.

Me: Hey boo!

Prince: Whoa! Lexi! Hey baby!

I got off his back and gave him a regular hug. He put his arm around me and walked with me.

Prince: When'd you get here?

Me: I just came. The director called and asked my father if I could come for an audition.

Prince: No way.

Me: Yep yep.

Prince: That's amazing. What part are you going for?

Me: Ashley.

Prince: Oh that's great. We don't have any scenes together, but we'll get to go to work together all summer.

Me: That AND my dad and brother are going away on a Canadian tour so my dad called Keisha and i'll be staying in LA with Keisha supervising. Im not sure if im staying with you guys though, but close by.

Prince: That's great news though. Im SOO excited to see you. Oh, come on! The guys are gonna freak!

He pulled me by the arm and we ran over to where the rest of Mindless Behavior was at.

Prod&Ray&Roc: LEXI!

Ray: Hey girl, you're back?!

Lexi: I've gotten an audition, can you believe it?!

Roc: Yes.

Prod&Ray: NO WAY!

Prod: Now we can all work together.

Ray: As soon as you pass the auditions, WHICH YOU WILL.

Roc: But you gotta go talk to the Director first to audition right now.

Lexi: Alright. Oh wait! *turns to Prod and hands him the box from Sahana* This is from Sahana. She wanted me to give you it.

Prod: Thanks.

I turned to Princeton.

Me: Come with me?

Prince: Let's go!

He took my hand into his and we bravely walked over to the Director.

Director: Ahh, yes. Lexi Montez. You're here. Wonderful.

Prince: Yes, and she's ready to be auditioned.

Director: Oh is she?

Me: Yes I am.

Director: Very well, then. Let's go.


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