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I'd spent the rest of my day hanging with Princeton and the guys before I returned home later that day. I thought it might be awkward if Roc was there since.. Well, I'm not sure about our feelings still, but luckily he wasn't there. When I came home, I turned on my phone to find a bunch of texts from Kiwi and Savannah asking me how it went. I didn't reply, so I could tell them all about it tommorow at school.


The next morning, Ray came over to Roc's room before going to breakfast.

Ray: So how do you feel about Princeton and Lexi?

Roc: What?

Ray: Princeton and Lex?

Roc: What about them?

Ray: They're going out. You know that, right?

Roc: They're what?!

Ray: Mhmm. He asked her out when she came over yesterday.

Roc: But.. What?!? That fucking..-

Ray: Do you still like her?

Roc: What, No! We broke up a few months ago, don't be ridiculous, Ray.

Ray raised an eyebrow at him.

Roc: Yeah, I was just talking about.. Skyler. He was flirting with her the whole time and now he moves on to Lexi? Man whore much?

Ray: Hes your friend.

Roc: Hes being insane.

Ray: Jeez, I'm sorry I ever brought it up!

Roc: No, don't be. And by the way, I don't still have feelings for Lex, okay? Don't say that. I was saying that stuff because he was goin after Skyler at first, ya know? She's gotta be mad he played her like that. Poor chick.

Ray nodded slowly and walked away. "he still likes her." he mumbled to himself, and he texted Saph.


Kiwi&Savannah: YES!!

Kiwi: Thats so cute.

Me: Ahaha, I know right. I'm already starting to think I made the right decision. Yesterday, the day with him was just... Great.


We rolled out eyes and pulled out our homework for him to check and started the class.

My first few classes were boring as fuck. So, I pulled out my phone and texted Princeton.

Me: haii(:

Prince: hey

Me: wassup ?

Prince: practicing my lines. A lotta lines O.O .. you ?

Me: School >:P

Prince: sounds fun ;1

Me: To u. Nerd.

Prince: thanks

Me: Lmao u know I'm juz kiddingg

Prince: i know..

Me: so how goes it in da house ?

Princeton didn't reply. I waited and waited and eventually, I jusnd went back to paying attention to ny classes my classes.


Princeton was sitting in his room practicing as Keisha told him and texting Lexi when he got a message from Skyler.

Skyler: Hey Prince Charming

And he remembered the thing going on between the two of them. "Shit!" he thought, "I'm with Lexi now. This has to end."

Prince: Uh, Skyler. Remember the gurl from yesterday ?

Skyler: yehh ?

Prince: well, the two of us are sorta going out now so maybe this flirting thing should end. I mean, we weren't actually together so its ok, right ??

Skyler: Of course np. Congrats on gettin ur girl(;

Prince: Ahahaha, thanks

Skyler: U practicing the script right noww ??

Prince: Yep. Scene 12.

Skyler: Scene 13 ;P got u beat

Prince: thats cuz Adrienne isn't even in scene 11 ! It's all Austin !

Skyler: so ?

Prince: lmao wow.

Skyler: Director called. Rehearsals again at 2:30 today.

Prince: aightt


Science class came and we were doing a DNA lab to try and take the DNA out of a piece of fruit. We got to choose partners, so I became partners with Shane.

Shane: So add 180 mL of DNA buffer to test tube A or B ?

Me: B

Shane: K.. *pours the amount of liquid in test tube B* So, I hear you're now with Prince.

Me: Yep.

Shane: What about Roc, though. You guys were inseparable. I was actually counting on him to grow back his balls and come get you back.

Me: Well that never happened but Princeton was being sweet and kind to me and told me that he cared and he showed it. So when he asked me out, I said sure, why not.

Shane: and this is while you were over in LA yesterday?

Me: Yup.

Shane: Does Roc know about you two?

Me: we were over at their house pretty much all day yesterday, so the others know, but Roc was out.

Shane: how do you think he'd react.

Me: i don't think he would. He's gotten over us and the breakup. He's moved on. He probably couldn't give a fuck if he tried.


Roc: Leah, she's moved on. She's going out with Princeton now and its killing me slowly.

Leah: I told you that you should try to gain her back.

Roc: Why would Prince even do that? He knew I loved her.

Leah: Yeah, LOVED. Princeton has been a big help on your side the entire time. He actually shoulda been the one to be with her a while ago. He spoke to her first and made the first move but backed away when he saw you liked her. And when you broke up the first time, he was the reason you got back together. And when you broke up that last time, he waited a good five months to see if you still had feelings for her, and when she came he made the move. Princeton's a good guy. Don't blame it on him.

Roc: I know, I know but.. I just don't know what to do!

Leah: Roc, there's nothing to do anymore. She's with Prince.

Roc: Leah, please. Isnt there ANYTHING I could do.

Leah: Well.. There's always another way. But.. It could cost you if you get caught.

Roc: I don't care, let's do it!





Lies, Mindless, ACTION! *sequel to Its No Secret Im MINDLESS*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum