Vocal Session- Princeton & Skyler

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Dave: Alrighty, and your ten minutes start NOW!

And a second later, Dave was out the door.

Princeton looked to Skyler.

Prince: Aight, so you wanna just go through the song one time together?

Skyler: sounds great to me.

"My country tiiiis of thee, sweet land of liiiiberty..."

They continued the song until it came to an end and then Prince turned to Skyler with his jaw dropped to the floor.

Prince: That is the most AMAZING voice like... ever.

Skyler: Thanks, you weren't too bad yourself.

Prince: Seriously, though, where did you learn to sing like that?!

Skyler: Well ever since I was a baby, I loved drama and theatre and so... I dunno, i just became that kind of person.

Prince: Really? Me too. I actually did a commerical for Sketchers when I was a kid..

Skyler: Nawwh I just starred in community preformances until my preformance of Matilda became really famous and I became an actor for movies over here in LA.

Princeton: Woww.. no wonder you sing like a young opera singer.

Skyler: Thanks.

Princeton: Really though.. Its gorgeous.

Skyler: Thanks..

Skyler looked deep in his chocolate eyes and followed the gorgeous twinkle in it and the way the light gave it a greyish tint. The way his lips turned up to a smile and made his eyes look smaller, but still really cute. Prince also was caught staring into Skyler's deep icy blue eyes. Her blonde hair sat perfectly on her shoulder and fit perfectly with her tanned complexion. The way she looked at him, he couldn't help but remember Lexi. Sure they looked nothing alike, but they both gave him the sweet, loving look. Sure, Skyler's still looked a bit different. Like there was something behind it.

Skyler turned away suddenly, her golden hair whipping through the air.

Skyler: So, uhmm..-

she tried to stall.

Prince: Uhmm, are u ok?

Skyler avoided his glance, but Prince was genuinely concerned. Sure, he didn't have the same feeling as before for her, but she was still a very close friend to him AND she was his main lady to the paparazzi and in the movie. They needed to have a strong relationship.

Skyler didn't answer Princeton 's question, she just shook her head and pretended to be going through the sight reading papers.

Prince grabbed her by the forearm and turned her to face hik, but she refused to look him in the eye. He had to advance to the next step. He poked Skyler on the side and she flinched. Covering her side with arm, she tried to hide her smile.

Skyler: *mumbling * stop..

Prince: What's that?

He poked her other side. Skyler covered her other side, and then he poked the first side, and poked her back. Then it became a poke war, Skyler giggling uncontrollably.Then, he began to tickle her and Skyler burst out laughing, barely able to breathe. She stretched her leg to kick him in the knee, and he lost balanced. Quickly, he took her chance and started to tickle him. "Shit!" Prince said between laughter. Skyler finally got off of Prince when she thought he'd had enough.

Skyler: Ok we're done. Now back to the paper..

Suddenly, Princeton got up and grabbed Skyler from behind, one hand covering her mouth, the other around her waist, prepared to tickle.

Prince: Speak and you'll die.

Skyler licked his hand he quickly drew it back.

They ended up bursting out in laughter again and they sat down, practicing for the test. There was a long silence, and after a while, Skyler broke it.

Skyler: Prince?

Prince: Yeah?

Skyler: Remember before Lexi came... how close we were?

Prince hesitated, but he nodded.

Skyler: I want to know what your HONEST feelings were...

Princeton ran his hand through his hair, looking away from her. He turned back and look straight into her icy blue eyes. She sat awaiting his reply. Princeton's mouth opened like ten times but no sound ever came out.

Skyler: Like that day in the closet... You'd told me you'd liked me. And that we could become something more-

Prince: I dunno. Because I guess I was just out of it then.

A shocked and hurt look creeped onto Skylers face.

Prince: After falling in love with Lexi and just being friendzoned like that.. I just felt lost and... weird. When I met you, I guess you just reminded me of Lexi and I fell for you...

Princeton was no longer looking at Skyler. He was ashamed at himself both for admitting this to Skyler and himself AND for doing this. He lead this girl on. But she'd known he'd liked another girl. And she knows now that he's with Lexi. Why would she bring this past shit back up?

Skyler: So basically... you didn't like me... you liked how I reminded you of Lexi?

Princeton turned to steal a glance at her face. Her tan skin was now cold and pale. Her eyes were starting to get glassy. Prince turned away and slowly nodded his head.

Shame and guilt came over him.

Skyler scooted so close she was practically sitting on him.

Skyler: Prince, baby, be serious here. Come on.

By now tears were streaming down her face.

Skyler: Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me, baby, come on!

She leaped onto Prince and pressed her lips against hers. Prince tensed his lips and tried to push her off.

Prince: Skye, You Are Crazy! I told you, I LOVE LEXI!

Skyler began bawling. Tears ran down her face and her knees became weak, making her fall to the ground.

Prince couldn't leave a girl like this. Even if she has a chance of being a crazy motherfucker.

He bent down to her level and placed one hand on each of her arms, helping her up. Skyler refused to get up.

Skyler: *almost whispering * how could you play me like that?

Prince didnt move. They sat there, just staring at each other for a while.


Prince could taste some of her salty tears as he kissed her soft lips. They lay like that on the floor, liplocked until Dave finally returned to test them three minutes later.


Aww Shiittt!

Princeton & Skyler making out behind Lexi's back noww! You can not trust anyone in this story! Damnn..

Lets See ... 15 votes & 15 comments for the next chappie. Leggo!

StayMindless ♡


Lies, Mindless, ACTION! *sequel to Its No Secret Im MINDLESS*Where stories live. Discover now