Vocal Session- Sahana & ...?

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Dave: ...you have ten minutes to prepare and practice. Your partner should be arriving soon; he's running a little late.

Sahana: My.. partner..?

Dave: Yes. For the test, everyone must preform with a partner. I'd paired all of the main characters in groups of two.

Sahana: But there's an odd number of main characters...

Dave: Yes, but there is a guest star that will be starring along with you guys. He was a late addition. The Producers decided having him guest star by Mindless Behavior would create twice the hype. He's very very famous. Im sure you know him.

Sahana: Who is h--

Dave: Welll enough chit chat. Ive set the timer, leeetss go!

and he dashed out the door. Sahana made a puzzled face but she shooked it off and started practicing. Before she began singing right away, she wrote the counting in on the paper. Afterwards, she'd clapped out the rhythm and figured out what notes were which. Only after then, did she begin to sing the song. Because of the little things she'd done, it was pretty much perfect on the first try. Sahana was proud of herself, but she still picked at little things like crescendoing long notes and breathing in the correct places. She wrote a few notes on the paper, and then she began again. Sahana 's focus was so strong, she didn't even hear the footsteps creeping up behind her.

He stood in his place, not moving an inch. He was so astounded by how perfect her voice was. Not a note out of place. She had the most gorgeous alto he'd ever heard (and her looks weren't too bad either... from what he could see.)

Sahana: *singing* ...let freedoom riiiiiiiing..

He began applauding her, scaring Sahana.

Sahana: Whoa.

Was all that could come out of her mouth.

There stood one of the most gorgeous guys known to planet Earth. A talented, sexy young man that EVERY girl had the hots for.

Yes, it was none other than...

Sahana: Holy shit you're Diggy Simmons.

Diggy smiled back at her, taking her hand into his.

Diggy: Yes I am, and you are...?

Sahana: Sahana.

Diggy kissed her hand.

Diggy: Beautiful name for a... beautiful girl.

Sahana giggled as a rosy pink blush washed across her cheeks.

They'd discussed the music how it should sound until Diggy got too distracted. He sat there, staring at Sahana. 'she's so beautiful... ' he thought.

Being his flirty self, be couldn't stand shutting his mouth any longer.

Diggy: Has anyone told you how amazing your eyes are?

Sahana. Uhmm.. thanks.

She smiles, and tucks her hair behind her ear as she begins to blush again.

After a few more moments of practicing, she catches Diggy staring at her again.

Sahana: What?

He didn't respond verbally, this time. He just slowly moved in closer and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. He moved in even closer, until he could feel her lips brush on his. She wanted to kiss him. Any girl would. That boy's lips are just.. whoo. But instead, Sahana backed away, and pushed him back, her hand on his chest.

Sahana: Im sorry, but I have a boyfriend ...

Diggy instantly went red. He didn't consider that for some reason.

Diggy: Oh, im sorry... I-I didnt realize that.

Sahana: Im sorry for not telling you..

Diggy: No, no..

They sat in the awkward silence, practicing the music in their heads.

Diggy: So who's the lucky guy?

Sahana: Huh?

Diggy: Your boyfriend.

Sahana: Oh.. Prod.

Diggy: PROD??

Sahana: Uhm. Yea. Why?

Diggy: Nahh..

Sahana: C'mon you can tell me.

Diggy:Nahh I didnt come to cause trouble..


Diggy: ARIGHT! Prod is cheating on you.

Sahana chuckles.

Sahana: no hes not.

Diggy: Im sorry to say this but its true. I saw Prod with some girl backstage. He had his hands all over and they sat lip locked.

Sahana's face went expressionless.

Sahana: Dig, if this is a lame attempt to try and get me -

Diggy: Sahana, I know you barely know me and all but you NEED to know that im not the kind of person to lie like that.

Sahana: Oh yeah? What did the girl look like?

Diggy: Dark, long, wavy hair, honey brown highlights. about medium height.

Sahana: Wait, honey brown highlights?

Diggy: Yeah..?

"Lexi.." the name escaped her lips...


I am writing this half asleep so sorry for the lack puncuction and junk. i promised i would update after 15 comment & votes . thanks guys(: Also special thanks to Sahana who got ms out of my authors block and came up with fabulous ideas(:

anywhoreeees ... im dead now so deucess! so sleepy. X(

goal: 15 votes, 15 comments

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