"Louis you are either really brave or you don't think things through." He sqirted himself a couple times and handed the bottle back to me. I chucked it into the bush. I would get it later.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He just laughed and looked over to the side. His laugh was cute. Stop Lou don't think about things like that! "Or don't answer." I mumbled and started walking towards the side of the garage. Harry followed me but he kept close to me almost as if he was, scared?

"Lou you're late for work." My father started without turning around. "You skipped it yesterday and I would expect more from you." He turned around with a wrenched and his eyes widened. I prayed in my mind that my father would not look at Harry too closely.

"Dad." I said slowly.

"Louis what have I said about friends?" He started. It was time to play the innocent one.

"But Dad you said two years ago that I could have one friend and I never found one but now I did. Do you remember that?" I said quickly. Harry watched my father with his mouth slightly open. He looked human enough. I think.

"Louis don't fool with me."

"Dad common!" I screamed and my lip started to quiver. He suddenly looked sorry for me. Yes innocent card is working. He closed his eyes and frowned his eyebrows.

"One friend!" He held up one finger. "Only one!"

"I love you!" I ran over and hugged him. He started laughing and he rubbed my hair.

"Stop. You're almost twenty one for gods sake." He chuckled and looked over at Harry. "What's your name son?"

Harry's face turned pale and he looked like he had lost his voice. "Um." He looked down at the floor and kicked at the ground. "My names Harry." He looked back up and his cheeks turned red. Whoa what is wrong with him. He's not one to seem shy at all. He always acted serious and controlling when I was with him. I have only known him for a couple of days though. I wonder what other sides there were of him.

"Nice to meet you Harry, you can call me Troy."

"Nice to meet you Troy." He said quietly. My father clapped his hands together and handed me the wrench.

"Is he helping you?" He asked and I nodded. "Great. Go fix that blue bikes wheel." He pushed my back towards a broken bike. Father fixed bikes during the day because that was how a lot of people got around here.

I looked over at Harry and he stumbled over to me and we both bent over the bike. He watched me carfully and I leaned towards him.

"Seriously Harry, are you okay?"

"I'm trying to act like a human." He hissed at me and I nodded. I twirled the wrench around and examined the pedal. It was broken. I reached out to fix a screw but stopped midway. My sweatshirt went up my arm and that was when I saw it. The two small marks were on the side of my arm. I gasped in panick and opened my mouth to say something but Harry shushed me and made me sit down. I looked over at my father but he was facing the other way.

"Wh-What did you do?" My body shook and Harry tried to shush me again because I was too loud for him. He reached out towards me but I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." I stuttered.

"Louis listen to me." He whispered. I shook my head and leaned backwards. "I had to. You don't understand."

"Then explain this to me." I pulled my sleeve back down my arm and covered it up.

"I couldn't really control myself." He watched my every move but he looked worried and scared. Two expressions I also have never seen him use. "I don't know how to explain it but you were sleeping and I knew it wouldn't wake you."

Vampire's Apprentice // Larry StylinsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ