Chapter 20

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I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

"Louis." The voice was distant and I drifted straight back to sleep.



"Loooer." The voice started laughing and I frowned and pushed them away.

"Loooooeeee." They shook me.

"Go away." I flipped onto my stomach and buried my face into the pillow. The bed shifted around and two hands wrapped around my waist. I groaned and shut my eyes tight.

"Louis it's just me." The voice said. I flipped my body around and blinked a couple of times. It was really dark in the room and I could barely see. The moon must have gone to America or something else because it wasn't out tonight. I knew it was Harry because of the curls covering his eyes. He pinched his hair and brushed it out of his face, a white smile shining into my face.

"Hi." I smiled lazily. Harry grinned and rolled off of me. I heard him sigh and I turned to face him.

"Do you want to do something?" He was wide awake. I frowned and pulled the blankets farther up my body.

"Not really." I mumbled. "I'm tired."

"It's only two in the morning." Harry said bluntly. I grunted and closed my eyes again. I felt Harry's breath air on my face and then it got closer and my eyes shot back open.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"I'm waiting for you to do something with me." He smiled.

"No." I put my hand on his face and pushed him away.

"Mmm come outside with me." He whispered quietly.

"No!" I screamed.

"Someone's grumpy." He chuckled. "Really quick. It will take like five minutes." His hands started shaking my shoulders and my eyes shot in annoyance.

"Really quick!" I groaned. His face lit up with a smile and he started dragging me out of bed.


"Wait one more minute." Harry's arms snaked around my backside and he brought me into a hug. I think it was because my head was lolling to the side. I rested my head into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes.

"Can we go back inside now?" I mumbled. Harry's hand traveled up into my hair and he swirled the small feathery strands lightly.

"Wait thirty more seconds." I could hear humor in his voice and it was making me nervous. Being tired was overpowering that feeling though.

A ticking noise rang through my ears and I backed away from Harry and looked around the grassy field. The grass was prickly and clearly hadn't been watered in a while. It was stinging against my toes and that was another reason I wanted to get back inside.

"What did you do?" I raised my eyebrows at Harry. He started laughing out loud and I looked behind me. My senses snapped on and I backed up some more.

"I wouldn't step back anymore if I were you." Harry grinned. My gaze snapped back up to him and the ticking grew louder. Suddenly water was being pelted on me in every direction. My body stiffened and I froze in my spot. My mouth fell open and instead of screaming a little squeak came out of my mouth.

My body started shaking a couple of seconds later and I gave Harry death eyes. He licked the side of his lips and smiled at me with his mouth open. No mater how hard he tried not to laugh I could see his body shaking in delight. The water wasn't doing shit to him.

Vampire's Apprentice // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now