Chapter 24

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Um well I've had writers block. I got my wifi set up last week and I've been slowly writing this but I don't really know what to write. I will start writing every weekend once school starts but other than that I don't know when I will next update. Sorry. :( Ilygsm and sorry it's kinda short. I tried.


"What do you think Niall is doing?" I asked quietly; sliding the warm glass towards Harry. He glanced at the cup of tea and then back at me with questioning eyes. He set his pen down on the blank paper and slid it back over to me, shaking his head.

"Probably out for a walk. I don't know." He picked the pen back up and tapped it a couple more times against the paper. I took the cup and brought it up to my lips; warmth flooding into my body.

"What are you going to write about?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Didn't you just finish your book about..?"

"Mathematics." Harry breathed out quietly. "Also; I have no idea yet." He sighed and set the pen back down on the table. He leaned back in the wooden chair and frowned at the utensils. "Do you know what I should do?"

The word wasn't supposed to come out. Hell; I don't even know where it came from, but it came. "Me." I smiled but it immediately fell from my face. Did that really just come out of my mouth? Dear god. My face grew intensely hot as a large grin appeared on Harry's face. His green eyes grew wide and suddenly his head flew back and he started laughing. Not chuckling laughing but actual loud laughing. I laughed quietly and crossed my arms over my chest. Harry laughing actually made me feel happy but I wasn't showing it because I was embarrassed.

"Why did you even come with me in the first place?" Harry's body shook with small chuckles. His eyes met mine; slightly squinted but happy.

"Because I like you." I shrugged.

"You like me?" He raised one of his eyebrows. This time I was the one who was laughing. I brought the cup up to my lips and took another big sip. "Why didn't you kill me?" I asked quietly. Harry's eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips.

"Because you're interesting."

"I'm interesting?" I scrunched up my nose and scoffed lightly.

"Yeah." He grinned again and picked back up the pen. "I think I know what I am going to write about now." The grin didn't leave his face as he started dragging the pen across the sheet of blank paper.

"What?" I asked leaning towards him.

"I'll tell you another day." His eyes flickered up to me.


*Niall's POV*

My back was dripping with sweat. I wasn't going to get up. I felt so empty. It was an odd feeling but I was hoping it would just go away. I didn't have anyone. I heard Louis and Harry get up this morning but they seemed happy and I didn't want to barge in on whatever they were doing.

I stared out at the large grey clouds ahead. I should probably go inside because it looked like it was about to rain. I pressed my hands against the side of the house and stood up in my spot. I slowly dragged my feet along the gravel and watched as my feet picked up dirt and kicked rocks across the way. I made it up the stairs and paused at the door.

Why do I even care if it rains on me?

I started to turn on my heel when I felt something wrap itself around my waist. My eyes widened as I was swiftly pulled back and something sharp was presses against my skin.

"I swear if you move one inch I will plunge this knife into your neck and leave it there." The voice sounded distantly familiar. I froze in my spot and let my body go weak.

"Who are you?" The instant I spoke a horrible pain sprung in my neck. My eyes closed and I took a deep breath as it heeled itself almost instantly. My mind was buzzing. Was it Zayn? Zayn was going to kill me for fucks sakes.

"One more word and the knife goes in your neck." The arm around my waist tightened and I opened my eyes again. The voice; I knew who it was but I couldn't remember his name. It was Harry's friend. He was a vampire. I talked to him a lot. It was a couple hundred years ago.

"Josh." I choked out. What I assumed was a knife slit straight across my neck. I cried out but a hand clamped over my mouth. My heart beat sped up. What was he even doing here? Why was he doing this? I never did anything to him.

As soon as the wound on my neck heeled the knife was pressing against the same area. The pain in the last ten seconds was horrible. I attempted to turn around but I felt weak from last night. God; what did Josh want.

"So you remember me Niall?" Josh's cold breath hit the side of my ear; making me shiver. I gulped at the cool metal pressed against my neck and I could feel the warm blood running down my chest. It didn't make it any better that I was sweating like a hooker in church.

"What- fuck." I whispered when the pressure rose on my neck.

"You're going to get Harry for me. Tell him to come out here and make him come outside first. Then maybe I won't kill you right away." Josh's grip slowly slipped from my waist. I immediately pushed him back and turned around. He looked the same; obviously, his hair was pushed the other way than last time.

"What if I don't? What if I just go in there and get him to kill you?" I pressed my hand against the doorknob and pressed my back against the cool surface. Josh's face tilted to the side and he eyed the small life in his hand; covering in my blood.

"I'm sure Liam could answer that question for you? I spoke to him last night at the gas station." A small smile tugged at him lips. I gulped and took another step back.

"You don't know where he's going." I hissed; my eyes narrowing. "He wouldn't tell you."

"Oh but Niall he told me where you guys were staying." He smirked and eyed the house. "A nice place I might add." His gaze drifted back down to me. "He went back home. I know exactly where he is."

"You wouldn't." I scoffed my hands balling into fists. "Are you doing this for Zayn?" I asked. Josh just stared at me and my head rolled back. "Fucking shit."

"Go in and get Harry for me." Josh took a step towards me and my back pressed against the door. "Get him if you want Liam to be safe." He put his hand over mine on the door handle. "You want him to be safe. Don't you Niall?" It became quiet except for my rapid breathing. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.


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