Chapter 14

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The next three weeks were spent like I lived in a bubble and nothing outside of it could get to me. With an exception of zayn, who I sometimes let in when I felt that I had reached a breaking point and couldn't help but cry anymore.

The thought of somebody threatening my parents to kill them because of me was present in my head 24/7 and I couldn't deal with it any longer.

"Zayn?", I whined, knowing that I was extremely annoying at the moment but I just felt the need to immediately have my boyfriend in bed next to me to cuddle. The bathroom door opened and Zayns head poked in looking at me in full concern.

"What is it, baby?" I pouted at him, from where I was already laying under the covers.

"Can you come cuddle?" He actually had the audacity to let out a laugh at that.

"I'll be there in just a second, love, do you want me to already get undressed myself or are you going to do it" My mouth fell open at that, before I turned away from him with a huff.

"You're not getting anything from me tonight, so you can get dressed and show as few skin as possible, I don't wanna see you anymore!" I heard a quiet chuckle coming from the bathroom and decided to stay mad at him for a little longer, until I felt him climbing into bed next to me and I was pulled close to him, my back pressed against his front and his hands found their way to my pretty prominent baby bump.

"I'm sorry for laughing, baby", he whispered against my neck, before kissing it. "Won't happen again" I turned around to him, feeling ready to cry at how hard simple things like that were becoming when you were used as a human hotel.

"Can we just cuddle tonight?", I asked and he smiled and kissed my nose, before wrapping his arms tighter around me, my belly being the only barrier between us. I laid my head down on his naked chest and looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought about how I just couldn't keep thinking about my parents like that all the time.

"I-I think I want to talk to the police... about what happened with my parents, maybe ask the officers who went to the crash site... I just want to know that it was really an accident and not something somebody else caused because of me before we're having the baby... because if it wasn't... it's my fault my parents are dead" My voice cracked slightly towards the end and Zayn just kept soothingly running his hand over my back, our limbs tangled together in a way that probably looked like one giant knot.

"Then do it, talk to the police, I'm sure Greg would be in it too and even if not... you're eighteen in just two days, after that you can talk to the police without Gregs consent" I shook my head at him.

"No, no, I wouldn't want that, would feel like going behind his back, but... I'll talk to him tomorrow"

Greg and I went to the police station the day after my birthday and were lead to an office with two officers waiting for us. They introduced themselves as Officer Haywood and Officer Miller and the latter said scanned me curiously, when I sat down, one hand on my pretty big bump for being just seventh months along. Her face didn't look disapproving or anything though, instead she just smiled and I smiled a nervous smile back, before the other officer cleared his throat.

"We were told that you would like to find out more about what happened with the accident your parents were involved in, am I right?" Greg nodded.

"Yes, we... happened to find some of our parents old stuff and came to the conclusion that we want to know, what exactly happened, as we never really asked about it" In the car we had discussed that we wouldn't mention the threatening letters at least for now, so I just kept quiet looking at the officers expectantly.

"Well, unfortunately, the officer investigating your parents accident had passed away a few years ago, may he rest in peace, but we have the documents and the file here, so how about I just talk you through what happened first and then you can ask questions if anything comes up?" We nodded at him approvingly.

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